Monday, February 10, 2025

    " Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself "
    -coco chanel

    Giving the Gift of Yiftee

    *Updated 5/29/2024 - Original post 10/12/2013* It's true, you can deny it if you want, but you know, as well as I do, that when...

    Why It’s Okay Not to Have Everything Figured Out Post-High School

    Embracing the Post-High School Journey As parents, we often dream of a linear path for our children's success: graduate high school, earn a college degree,...

    Some of our kiddos’ favorite books

    In honor of Read Across America Day, we're diving into the literary treasures that have captured the imaginations of our little ones. From the...

    Quick & Easy Teriyaki Chicken

      On bustling weeknights when time seems to be of the essence, I often lean towards recipes that are not just flavorsome but are also...

    Handling Temper Tantrums with Grace and Understanding

    Every parent dreads it: the temper tantrum. Amplify that with a scene in a public space, like a store, and you have a scenario...

    Credit Card Woes: 2008 vs. 2023 – An Economic Odyssey

    The struggles of dealing with credit card debt are unfortunately a constant in many people's lives. A reflective blog from 2008 painted a vivid...

    30 Simple Ways to Sprinkle Sunshine into Your Day!

    Why Small Acts Matter Life can be a rollercoaster with its ups and downs. Especially after long, gloomy months like fall and winter, many of...

    Kristin’s Italian Sausage & Potatoes

    The Night Our Culinary Worlds Collided: A Neighbor's Gift Have you ever had an unexpected knock on your door, only to open it and find...

    ‘Bounce The City’ Springs Into Woodfield Mall This Weekend!

    Hold on to your bounce! Schaumburg, Illinois is about to get a whole lot more exciting this weekend. For those who've been seeking an...

    A Guide to Overcoming the Back-to-School Blues

    Transitioning back to school can evoke a mix of excitement and apprehension. Dive into our guide to ease those back-to-school blues with love, understanding, and treasured rituals.

    Celebrating the New School Year: 5 Fun Ideas!

    Ah, the scent of new notebooks, the feel of crisp pages, and the excitement of seeing friends after a long summer. The new school...

    Roll Up Your Sleeve and Roar for the Cause: The Brookfield Zoo Blood Drive!

    There's a fantastic opportunity coming your way that not only lets you make a massive difference in someone's life but also brings a day...


    Warranty Failure and Service Neglect - Immediate Resolution Required Dear Milgard Customer Support, I am writing this email with a sense of extreme urgency and deep...

    Visit The Pony Inn for Super Bowl Sunday!

    Chicago sports fans can visit the Pony Inn located in Chicago's Lakeview area at 1638 W. Belmont, Chicago. It has 13 wall-mounted TV's and...

    Where do I go from here?

    This was in my drafts for 4 years and I don't know why. Not much had changed during that time so it's still somewhat...

    Got Hot Flashes? Get a Cooling Blanket!

    As I am aging and reaching that later in life female stage...ugh, I tend to get a lot of hot flashes. I'm always asking...

    Winter Fashion Trends I Could Do Without.

    Fashion and I are like water and oil. Sometimes we work well together and others we just don't blend at all. I...

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year GIFTS!

    Struggling on what gifts to give to mom? Us moms go through a lot throughout the year and the holiday season is our time...

    Verified Mom is Changing Gears

    Changing gears is what I seem to do best. I just can't seem to get my shit together. I guess it's because life is...

    Open Letter: Samsung Ice Makers are DEFECTIVE!

    I'm, just going to come right out and say it, Samsung Ice Makers Are Defective! Please note - As a blogger, I have worked...

    I am taking a writing class to spark my creative brain.

    I have always loved writing. It started when I wrote my first hit-song titled "I Hate My Mother" back in the late 70's early...

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