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    10 Tips for Bouncing Back After a Breakup

    Breakups are a natural part of life.  However, even though we know it could happen, we never really know how we are going to feel once it does happen.  If you’ve gone through a breakup or know someone who is, getting out of that break up rut seems like a daunting task.  Caird Urquhart, author of 30 Ways to Better Days…How to Rally After You’ve Been Dumped, has provided us with the top ten tips on how to get over, getting dumped!

    Remove All Evidence
    Things can often carry more weight than the relationship itself. Do you have stuff in your closet you just can’t part with? Do you feel if you throw it away you will be discarding a memory or the relationship associated with that memory? No object can replace your memories. Your ex is gone, so their stuff should be gone too. Clean up your surroundings so you have a fresh start.

    Spend Time With People Who Don’t Know Your Story
    Spending time doing something new with fresh people can break you of the habit of talking about your ex. If these people don’t know you they won’t be talking about your relationship. You will also get to enjoy a new experience which may open up all kinds of possibilities.

    Plan ahead
    Often on the heels of a breakup we experience good days and bad days. On the good days plan ahead, so on the bad days when you don’t feel like doing anything, you will because you have already committed to doing so. Just the act of getting up and out will help to lift your spirits.

    Regardless of your budget, there is always something you can do to freshen up your home. Even simply moving your bed so you wake up each morning looking in a different direction can dramatically alter your mood.

    Exercise is good for your mind, body and spirit. Your body deserves your attention. Love it and it will love you back. When you feel good physically your self confidence will get a boost too.

    Don’t ask
    You do not need to know what your ex is up too. Don’t ask your friends; When did you see him? Who was he with? Does he look happy? And so on. Even a trusted source will only know half of the real story. Don’t set yourself up this way. Spend your time building your own life and not being curious about your ex’s.

    A rewarding job, whether volunteer or paying is a wonderful distraction. It can occupy your mind so you can escape the constant marry-go-round of thought about your past relationship. If you work hard at something you love, time will pass and you could come out the other end ahead in life and occupation.

    Don’t play the victim
    You may feel like the victim, just don’t play the part. The sooner you can claim responsibility for your life the sooner you can change it. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens because of you. Take charge of your day to day behaviour and you will go from rut to rockin’.

    Reignite your passions
    Are there things you love to do that your ex didn’t enjoy like travel, art class or tennis? Take advantage of your freedom and sign up for those activities you love. Get out and do them now.

    Change your routine
    Even the smallest change in your day to day routine will shift your perspective and start to pull you out of your rut.  Take a different route to work, change what you eat in the morning, invite someone new to join you for lunch, stop watching TV with dinner. Mix it up and see what new ideas and opportunities come into your life.

    About Caird Urquhart:
    30 Ways to Better Days…How to Rally After You’ve Been Dumped is a self-help book aimed at women who have just gone through a relationship breakup. The chapters in the book are short and sweet and was written as an easy to read, no nonsense handbook with the intention of helping women of all ages lift their self-esteem and become empowered to move on.

    With 18 years of experience in the film and television industry as a producer, casting director and actor, Caird became a personal and business coach.  After graduating from The Coaches Training Institute and being accredited by the International Coaches Federation, she founded New Road Coaching Inc. in October of 2005.

    Since then, Newroad has been working with entrepreneurs, executives, athletes and entertainers to help them achieve the big picture possibilities of their lives.  Her hope as a coach is to be able to share the true magic of the entertainment industry; that dreams can become reality.

    Caird lives in Toronto, Canada where she is the proud Aunt to ten nieces and nephews.  She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree with majors in Psychology and Physical Education from Wilfred Laurier University. And is a member of the Canadian Association of Family Enterprise, Canadian Association of Women Executive and Entrepreneurs, Company of Women, Women in Film and Television, The Economic Club and The Empire Club of Canada.


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