Home Motherhood Sunday Morning Meditation

Sunday Morning Meditation


Good Morning! As I sit here with my steaming coffee and my Bible, my thoughts turn to the time of year. Thanksgiving is just a few short days away, and I wonder to myself how many people are too wrapped up in what’s going wrong in their lives right now, to be thankful for what is going right?
Are we so busy worried about where our next paycheck is coming from that we are unable to enjoy the blessings God has bestowed on us regardless of the trial at hand?

I have to say that in my life, the answer would be yes. I cataloged everything that was going on in my life – 2 dear friends dying of cancer one a loving and faithful man of God, 1 child in jail, 1 about to be hospitalized, and 1 preparing to leave the nest, financial problems, and the list could go on and on – the things that are wrong in my life. I think to myself, it seems overwhelming!!! I know that I am not alone, many of us have dealt with overwhelming circumstances this year – the loss of jobs, homes, husbands, children, and family members – you name it we’ve gone through it! However, when you look at the trials, you have to look at the blessings too!
I have blessings galore, good things happening all the time – are the less good because I’m going through the trials? No! The should be even more fulfilling and uplifting, simply because they are the bright spot in the dark tunnel of stress!

Adjust your minds ladies – think a new way – this is my challenge to you today!

Count your blessings – each and every one of them, think of all the things you have to be thankful for and then thank God for all your blessings – even though you feel like crying, ESPECIALLY when you feel like crying. For each and every “wrong” thing in your life – think of a “right” thing to cancel it out – I promise, when the list is done, the blessings are going to far outweigh the trials! Even if your blessing is “Had enough money to get my nails done!” It’s a blessing – no matter how minor YOU think it might be, God does these things to show us His unfailing love, and His promise to give us the desires of our hearts!!!

Psalms 37:4-5 (KJV) says: 4 Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Remember to be thankful for all the blessings you have today! Know that somewhere, someone, probably more than one, is praying for you, loving you, and asking God to shower blessings on you!!!

Posted by: Elizabeth

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