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{A-Z} G is for Gianna or just “G”


G is for Gianna

Meet Gianna


It’s hard to believe that this little chub of a girl is my baby.  It’s hard to believe because now she isn’t so little!  Despite that cute little face, she was the most challenging child for me.  I was blessed with her older siblings who were text book perfect children.  By that I mean, they followed all the charts, slept when they were supposed to, were on a great schedule, walked when they were supposed to, and so on…text book.  Then I was blessed with Gianna.  I say blessed because my husband and I decided if I wasn’t pregnant by the end of the year, our family was complete.  December came and went and I wasn’t pregnant, or so I thought.  I tested again a couple weeks later in January and I was pleasantly surprised that I was in fact pregnant!  You see, I had a very hard time with pregnancies.  Before I had my oldest, I had three miscarriages.  I never had a problem getting pregnant, it was staying pregnant that I couldn’t do on my own.  Found out I was pregnant with Alyssa when we came home from a “get away” vacation to Disney World.  Had to take progesterone to keep the pregnancy going.  Between my oldest and my son, I had another miscarriage.  I decided to take Clomid and got pregnant right away with my son.  When it came to having another child, I decided I didn’t want to take any medication and if I was going to get pregnant, it would be up to God and I left it in His hands.  When I tested positive in January I immediately called my OB.  They tested my progesterone levels and while they were good, they wanted me to take additional supplements as a precaution.  While this pregnancy was a gift from God, it sure wasn’t a pleasant pregnancy!  I was in and out of the hospital because little miss antsy pants wanted to be born way before she was ready.  I was on medication to keep the little rascal safe and sound and the day that it was safe to get off the meds, I delivered her within 24 hours!  I swear, she did not make anything about the pregnancy easy…and that went for the delivery too!  She entered the world on August 28, 2004.  This year, she will turn ten and it’s amazing how much she has changed and grown.  She went from this temper-tantrum throwing little girl who hated to be hugged, kissed or touched for that matter, to a funny, social butterfly who loves to “snuggle”.  Sure, she has her struggles, especially where school is concerned, but she is such a gift from above that sometimes I forget just how blessed I am.  She brings me joy and happiness each and every day.  She makes me laugh right when I need to laugh and she hugs me right when I need to be hugged.  She is the light of my life and without her, I wouldn’t have been complete, God knew that and now so do I.



She’s always been a bit of a tomboy and I love that about her.  She isn’t afraid to get down and dirty.  She isn’t afraid to be comfortable in her own skin.  She doesn’t care what other people say about her.  She is confident.  She is just a girl who likes to be called “G”, just “G”.  I shared a little story about her character awhile ago and you can read all about that here.  She is full of life and is the life of any party.  I can’t believe she will be turning ten this year!  I can’t wait to see where her life and career path takes her.  I’m sure it will be an exciting ride at that!  No matter what, every night I count my blessings, starting with the letter “G”!



Keep on singing my sweet girl!  Life is good…very very good!

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