Home Good Eats Back-to-School Snack: Peeled {Review & Giveaway}

Back-to-School Snack: Peeled {Review & Giveaway}


Alas it is here… the first school bell has rung and the children are off to learn new and exciting things…

However this time also marks crazy hectic mornings trying to figure out lunches and snacks, and getting kids out the door on time.  Many schools now implement a healthy snack sometime during the school day and if your school does that, or you are looking for something new healthy and organic to snack on Peeled snacks are AWESOME for just that!

There is no worry or guess work with Peeled snacks. Peeled snacks are organic dried fruit only using the highest quality organic and natural ingredients from sustainable farms.  This means these snacks are good for you & your family as well as our environment 🙂

Peeled snacks have become a snack-time favorite in my house. My family loves to grab and share a pack of their favorite organic fruit.  I love that I know what is in them, and the kids eat them like candy {muahahaha}.   There are plenty yummy flavors to choose from here a few of favorites

Much-ado-about-Mango is my little man’s favorite I think it has a mango lassi taste.   I love the mango too, I used the  much-ado-about-Mangos in a carrot cake and it was a hit!

Apple-2-the-core doesn’t last long…. I repeat does not last long my husband tried to sneak those ones for himself. Yes we are all fans of Peeled and I think you will be too!  We are giving away one box of 10 Peeled snacks to one lucky reader who will be able to pack Peeled snacks for your little back-to-schooler or for yourself {cause we all need a little snack time}.

Here is how you can score!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Also look for Peeled snacks in our Back-to-School Issue. Let us know what flavors you love or which flavor you would like to try.

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