Sunday, September 8, 2024


    The Magic of Fall

    Fall seems to come and go in a blink of an eye. We went from summer to winter. Even though we are technically in the fall season it's hard to see it under the snow and bare...

    On Trend! LG – Watch W7 Smartwatch – OS by Google

    If you have a guy in your life that loves to stay ahead of the trends both in fashion and in tech, you're in luck!  The LG- Watch W7 Smartwatch is just the perfect gift not only for Christmas...

    7 Hot Tech Gifts for Kids this Holiday Season

    We are a high tech family, well most of us in the family are technological while one person struggles, so this time of the year is probably our favorite!  Black Friday and all the holiday shopping hype gets us pumped...

    GOTRAX Hoverboard offers Holiday FUN! #Review #AD @RideGOTRAX

    I'll just come right out and say it now.  GOTRAX™ Hoverboards are FUN!  That is, it's fun according to my kids.  I myself have not stepped foot on it simply because I am way too chicken and like my...

    PS4 Turtle Beach Stealth 700 Wireless Gaming Headset is a Hot Holiday Must-Have #AD @BestBuy @TurtleBeach

    The PS4 Turtle Beach Stealth 700 wireless gaming headset is one of the hottest gifts a gamer can get!  Just ask my son!  I mentioned the Stealth 700 to my son and he's since been anxiously waiting to test...

    Holiday Traveling with Netflix!

    Sadly I don't get to do much holiday traveling.  But when I do, there are certain things I do and bring with.  One thing is for certain, we always have Netflix loaded onto all of our devices for on-the-go...

    Blogmas 2017 Winner & Link Up!

    It's sad to say that the 12 Days of Blogmas 2017 is over.  I have had so much fun reminiscing and writing about my holiday fun, gifts, and festivities.  It's also been fun to read the blog posts from...

    Family Traditions During the Holidays

    Family traditions during the holidays always bring a smile to my face. The older I get, the more I realize just how important family traditions are, not only to me but to my kids and my parents. At one...

    Christmas and My Own Consumerism #Blogmas2017

    Christmas and consumerism.  I just had an eye-opening discussion with my oldest daughter about Christmas and consumerism here in the United States.  It made me question my own purchase as I hit the "Buy Now" button on my computer...

    Teen-Friendly Stocking Stuffers #Blogmas2017

    Teen-friendly stocking stuffers are the only type of stocking stuffers that you'll find in this house seeing that I have three teenagers at home.  This year the kids all wanted big ticket items for their gifts so I had...

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