Sunday, February 16, 2025
    HomeVerified Writers

    Verified Writers

    I am taking a writing class to spark my creative brain.

    I have always loved writing. It started when I wrote my first hit-song titled "I Hate My Mother" back in the late 70's early 80's. And by first, I mean only. And by hit, I mean, only...

    Returning To Work: From Full-Time Mom to Full-Time Employee

    Returning to work has been nothing less than a heated discussion between my husband and I.  Tension had been building up for years.  It may have even led to some resentment.  It was decided, by both of us, that...

    Snow Days = Netflix Marathons #streamteam

    Netflix Marathon = Life Lessons   With all the recent snow days we've had, what's a family to do?  We have been stuck inside a lot this winter.  We've had four "snow" days this winter, more so due to extreme cold...

    We aren’t those people

    You know, the ones that are on time; we aren't them! We are the people who usually show up right on time or 10-15 minutes late. I don't know why, well, actually I do. Usually I'm the one running...

    School lunch

    This is one thing I will miss. Having lunch with my daughter at her school. In our elementary schools, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles have the opportunity to have lunch with their special child. You can bring in your...

    Miley Cyrus…. I have a confession.

    First I am going to start off this post by saying this is only MY opinion. I am sure there will be those who disagree with me and there may be haters, but then again, there may be...

    Homemade Doggy Treats

    Our 5 year old golden retriever has battled allergies for the last four years and drug after drug, food after food, nothing has seemed to help ease his symptoms so I had this bright idea to completely change and...

    Our Summer Staycation

    On a whim... I bought a tent.  I don't know why exactly, just have been in the mood to go camping.  I've been talking about wanting to take the kids camping for the last couple weeks but I wasn't...

    Peet’s Do YOU Give A Cup?

    Image and value provided by our partner, Peet's   Peet's Coffee recently introduced their single cup coffee's and the brand is inviting fans to visit their site  each week and vote on a topic.  The topics are fun and a little quirky,...

    Our Summer Bucket List

    Yesterday I posted about my quest for becoming more balanced this summer and I found another way to keep the kids busy.  I decided, along with the kids input,  to create a Summer Bucket List.  All it took was...

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