Sunday, February 16, 2025


    Boys Teasing Girls Sends Wrong Message

    He Likes You, That's Why He Teases You! I can't remember where or when, but I recall reading something about the relationship between boys and girls and how that shapes and molds us into the adults we are.  That isn't...

    Stop Taking Advantage Of Me!

    I'm pretty tech savvy, I must admit.  I am self-taught in just about everything I do from running my own business to blogging.  I have learned it and applied it to everyday practices however I have one problem and...

    Enough Already With the Entitled Children!

    I can't take it anymore!  These entitled children make me want to scream! You've seen it.  I'm sure you have.  Kids walking around like they do no wrong, disrespecting adults and people of authority, and parents who let them get away...

    My Rambling Rants

    My life lately has been one massive downward spiral and I am not sure how much more I can physically or mentally handle.  I know the saying goes, God never gives you more than you can handle, and if...

    24 Clear Signs You’re a Mom

    A few days ago I came across this list. A lot of it rings very true for me as a mother. Almost every one of them. From running towards vomit to going to the bathroom with an audience. My days...

    What do you think about sharing Breast Milk?

    Alicia Silverstone is in the news again for her Kind Mama Milk Share.  In a post on her blog The Kind Life, Silverstone, encouraged her readers to leave comments on her blog if they were interested to share breast...

    Three No-Time Hair Styles You Can Do At Home

    So you want to change up your look without making any permanent alterations. Many of us are stuck in the “straight or curly?” dilemma when styling our hair. For some reason it just seems quicker to run an iron...

    Five tips for reprogramming your self-image

    By Carol Holm, author of Take the Lid Off: Unleashing Your Unlimited Potential We have all noticed those people who seem to be able to achieve great things with very little effort. As we observe them it’s easy to conclude...

    Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms

    What were you doing 9 years ago?  I was a mom to two of the most adorable little kids ever!  I remember the feelings of being overwhelmed.  I remember feeling the stress to keep everything in check.  I remember...

    Fashion Friday {Tangerine}

    Okay... okay we are jumping on the Tangerine bandwagon.  Here are some of our tangerine styles for Mom and Kiddos-- let us know what you think? Tangerine two ways for mom.... Tangerine 2 Ways by mrsaok featuring tri color jewelry Vanessa Bruno...

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