Home Body & Mind Chillow – the pillow – {review}

Chillow – the pillow – {review}




You know you see these things in the store that make you go, “hmmm”, well that’s what I thought when I saw the Chillow in the store.  I was so excited when I was given the opportunity to review this product because I have been either sweating at night {yep….I said it}, or on the couch with feet, heel or lower back pain.    I swear, this getting older stuff can really stink!  I saw on the box that this product helps to “sooth and comfort”, why wouldn’t I want to try it.

First you need to fill the Chillow with water.  I was nervous that it would open up or spill all over, but it didn’t! 🙂  Once you have it filled {about 8-9 cups of water}, you need to let it sit flat for about 4 hours so it can settle in where it needs to settle.  Once you have done that, just slowly roll the Chillow until you get to the water plug.  Very carefully open the plug and let all the excess air out and unroll.  You might have to let it sit again, roll, and let more air out.  The key it to get as much of the air out as you possibly can.  Once you have all the air out, let it sit and chill.  You can use the cloth side for a cool temp {it’s the lowest “cool” temp you can experience}, you can place it (shiny side up) in a pillow case for a cooler feel, which I felt was the best for sleeping.  If you want it even cooler, you can take it out of your pillow case and just lay your head on it.  It was too cool for me that way and I was actually freezing and needed to take it off my pillow completely and grab another small blanket! LOL  If you want it at it’s coldest, place it in the fridge for about 15-30 minutes and it’s great for your feet or lower back, or just to place it anywhere you need it.  


It works so good that my mom ended up buying one for her and one for my cousin!  I haven’t heard their feedback yet after using it, but I know I am more than pleased with my Chillow!   You can buy one for only $12.99 plus $6.95 shipping at chillow.com.  Trust me, I place this on my head when I have headaches, and it’s so soothing and really helps me to get a good nights rest, and I don’t have to worry about drippy ice packs getting me all wet when I sleep!


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