I saw this really cute idea for painting closet doors with chalkboard paint and thought my oldest would love it because she has been asking me to paint one full wall in her bedroom with the special paint. I was hesitant because she is always looking to change her room around {she is like her mom…always in need of a change} and thought trying to cover up that chalkboard paint would be next to impossible, so what was the next option…her closet doors!
She LOVED the idea and couldn’t wait to start so we ran to Walmart and found the Rustoleum chalkboard paint {it was about 30 ounces for roughly $10}. Not sure how much I’d need we bought two. We could have only used one, but my husband did the painting and being a professional drywall finisher/taper and painter, he has a “special” way to paint that apparently we couldn’t figure out on our own…or he just wanted to be involved, which is what I’m going with. Oh, after the paint, we needed to get a special roller that wouldn’t leave ‘hairs’…forgot what it was, but I’ll find out and edit it back into the post.
First we needed to take the doors off and prep them for paint. I had my daughter lightly sand the doors just to rough it up a little and get some of the deeper grain lines off. After it was sanded we wiped it off and my husband did two light coats of durabond and after it dried, he sanded it down to smooth out an inconsistencies. After it was sanded, it was ready to paint. It took two coats of paint and it was ready to get re-hung. In order to use it effectively, you needed to prep the chalkboard. After three days, you rub chalk all over the board and then erase it off. Once it is erased off, you are ready to start drawing away! My daughter couldn’t wait to get started! She has been busy drawing all week and this is her end result so far… {BTW… I have no idea what some of her drawings represent for her, but it’s her way of expressing herself and if this is the worst she does… I’m cool with it! She is 15 exploring her spirituality and that is a whole different conversation.}
Very proud of our quick, 3 day project and how it turned out. Have you used chalkboard paint at all? What have you created?