Family traditions during the holidays always bring a smile to my face. The older I get, the more I realize just how important family traditions are, not only to me but to my kids and my parents. At one time I’m sure I thought they were ridiculous and stupid. Now, I have come to love them. We don’t have very many, but the ones we do have I cherish more than anything else. They make my heart happy.
My Family Traditions
- I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but my most favorite holiday movie of ALL time is ELF. I could watch it on a loop during the holidays. So, it only makes sense that my number one tradition would include a family movie night to watch ELF! We are actually planning our family movie night for tomorrow night. My daughter isn’t working tomorrow night and the other two kids will be home too. It’s expected to snow so it really makes for a perfect night spent with the kids, the hubby, a fire, some movie candy and freshly popped popcorn!
- Baking holiday cookies is another family tradition that I love. One weekend I will gather all my baking supplies and start baking. I usually enlist the help of the kids when I make my grandma’s chocolate chip cookies. I do this because you have to be quick when adding the chocolate chips so that they melt and stick onto the cookie. The kids love it too because that means that they get to eat them when they are right out of the oven. These cookies are super special to me because they remind me so much of my grandma and I swear when I make them, she is with me in the kitchen even though she is no longer with us. Another reason they are special is that they only have 3 chocolate chips on them, not in them, on them!
- Holiday PJ night on Christmas Eve. Every year on Christmas Eve we go to my Mother-In-Laws for dinner. We arrive wearing our pj’s. They don’t have to be matching but they do have to be holiday prints or styles. I love shopping and picking out the new jammies and the kids (and myself) loves to wear them! I just started that a couple years ago because I got tired of trying to force the kids to look nice. They hated getting dressed up and honestly, so did I.
Those are just a few of my family traditions. Do you have any of your own?
Giveaway Time!
A special thank you goes out to all of our 12 Days of Blogmas sponsors who contributed to this giveaway! We have some really fabulous prizes this year, and the winner of this giveaway will be set with a variety of gifts to share with their loved ones.
12 Days of Blogmas Sponsors:

$200 Paypal Cash
Cameron Hughes Wine, Case of Wine
The Gratitude Gift Journal Set
James Avery Artisan Jewelry Charm
The Beach House Group Toys
A copy of The Nightingale book
Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow Palette
Kylie Lip Kit
How to Enter the Giveaway
To enter, please complete the information in the Rafflecopter below. All of the emails entered into this giveaway will be shared with the sponsors so that you can get updates from them about their amazing products. In addition, the more you come back to enter, the more chances you have to win!
To reach you before Christmas, everything will be shipped out the beginning of December. Unfortunately, this is not an international giveaway and is only for residents of the US and Canada.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don’t forget to visit my friends!
Joanna from Motherhood And Merlot | Phyllis from Verified Mom | Aaronica from The Crunchy Mommy | Andrea from Correa Mommy | Sarah from Foxy’s Domestic Side | Aryn from With Cream and Sugar | Susannah from Simple Moments Stick | Jessa from Sparkle