Monday, February 10, 2025
    HomeUncategorizedGameDay USA -West Chicago-Part 2

    GameDay USA -West Chicago-Part 2

    It’s now Sunday and we have a game to play at 11 and if we win, we move on to the Championship game. It is necessary for us to win. Yes, I can definitely say that us parents probably want this win more than the kids do!

    We were playing the Horner Park Highlanders.  I honestly don’t remember what Scott did the first game. I was so cold that I couldn’t really write, yet alone stay focused on the score and what he did. I do remember his first at bat he got a single…but after that, I’m clueless.  I think this was his second at bat…where he may have struck out???  I can’t remember!  My bad!
    It was also not that exciting in the outfield.  Although, Scott did back up center field well…

    Game one…ovah…quick and painless.  We won 22-1…slaughter rule.  Time to move to on to the CHAMPIONSHIP game!  YAY DK’s!!!

    The team we were up against was the Top Tier Red.  We heard prior to the game that they had a 3-0 record for this tournament.  Didn’t do much to scare us…cause we were in our zone and once we get there…it’s hard for the boys to lose that momentum.

    It was a great game.  The boys played hard and it showed.  There were a few hiccups along the way between coaching staff and umpires, but over all, it was an exciting game to watch.  The other teams coaching staff was a bit shady…yeah, I’ll say it, they were shady.  But then again…what can you expect from a team that wants to win at any cost….sometimes you have to get down and dirty…right?  (So not cool)

    Scott had a rough game though…personally.  He struggled with two strike outs and left him feeling not so good.  I’d say he was reaching for the stars with that strike… With a little …’get your head in the game’ pep talk by mom, he was out there playing again and the team went on to win, 12-7.  (making our record 11-1 yay team!)

    Winning was so bitter sweet for us.  We wanted this win…BAD and the boys delivered!

    Darryl, Billy and Scotty proudly show off their cuteness!

    And Scotty, showing off the “big” trophy along with his individual first place trophy.

    I must give a big hats off to our entire coaching staff and parents.  Something had to be said about the coaches when the players show a true sign of great sportsmanship.  While the second place team dilly dallied around, we had to wait for them…even though we didn’t want to wait…who holds up a trophy ceremony so they can talk to their team…the Top Tier Red team, that’s who.  We patiently wait…and wait…and wait.  Finally, the teams are lined up to receive their trophies and while the second place team is accepting their trophies, our entire team, coaching staff and parents are clapping…as a sign of a job well done…they fought a good fight, made some great plays…over all, when it’s all said and done, it was a good game.  While our team was accepting their trophies, the opposing coaches and team just stood there…like lumps on logs.  Not once did we hear a clap from them.  That is a true sign of unsportsmanlike conduct if you ask me.  But what do I know, I am just a mom…a baseball mom.  Their coaching staff chit chatted in ignorance which prompted me…(I won’t speak for all the parents) to cheer just a little louder.   As for GameDay USA…we go on record to prove that we do not need to remove our kids to play a baseball game, we can accept a forfeit with grace and dignity, and we can win (or lose) like true champions because as far as this baseball mom is concerned, no matter what happens…we are and always will be good sports, because that’s just the kind of people we are.




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