Home Reviews Holiday Gift Feature: Sock n Boots

Holiday Gift Feature: Sock n Boots


When we first heard the name of this book, we knew it was going to be a cute, well written story for both parents and children and we were so right! Sock n Boots Adventures by D.K. Smith is an adorable compilation of three stories teaching children various life lessons as they experience them. Sock and Boots are best friends who are faced with different childhood situations. Each story begins with asking a question. This question will help with parent/child communication. It will allow you as the parent to ask questions, and your child has the opportunity to answer in his/her own words and experiences. Sock n Boots has different experiences on sharing, being afraid of the dark and playing it safe. It is a vibrantly illustrated book, easy to read, and parents will love the messages provided. At the end of the stories, there is a Sock n Boots coloring book where your child can use his/her imagination, color and write their own story using the Sock n Boots characters. This would be a great gift for beginning readers, children who struggle with sharing, playing safely, and those afraid of the dark. Teaching life lessons while having fun reading has never been better! To see more of Sock n Boots, visit them online at SocknBoots.com and for purchasing ($11 USD), you can go here, they even have an iPad app (.99 USD) and coming soon will be iPhone & iTouch!

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