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Traditions – ugh something else to think about!


Holiday Traditions, Do you have Any?

Looking back at how our holiday traditions to what they are now, I prefer how they are now. I remember running around on holidays trying to see everyone possible in one day. I remember having to rush from here to there to here to there again and of course, as a kid, I couldn’t protest as much as I would have wanted to. It’s not that I am not a family person, I am, but I just remember running around and the actual thought of it makes me tired.right.now.

I remember my mom was always wanting to start a new tradition from time to time. Like the time she had everyone who was over sign her tablecloth using a sharpie marker. At the time I thought what a goof ball she was. We had no idea what to write and we made sure to write our names and some wrote the year. Now, many years ago, she still pulls out that tablecloth and we reminisce with what was written and some of it is hysterical even to this day. My mom comes from a large family so when I was younger they would see each other more frequently and it was always a party. Now, the family has gotten smaller with all my cousins having children of their own and spending time with their family and in laws. I’ve always been there. I’ve been at almost every holiday. As I got older, I still invited all my aunts to the kids parties, not for monetary gifts, but to visit with them because they were fun to be around when you got them started. Now I miss those days even more now that I am older with kids of my own.

I remember going to my grandma’s house in the city and after dinner, everyone would be sitting around talking, smoking, drinking and then pops in Santa. I remember kids crying and hiding under the table so they didn’t have to see the bearded man. I don’t recall if I was one of them crying under the table, but he did give us a present so I am pretty sure I came out at some point! Those were the days when we had big Italian dinners with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins who are now so distant that you’d think they were in another country. It’s sad actually because I would have loved to have had my kids know their extended family. Now, well, now they just know my niece and two nephews and that’s about it. When I mention an Aunts name they are clueless.

Now that I am a mom and trying to preserve the memories of my kids being young/er, I am finding that I am coming up with weird little traditions for our family. The only one that I have really stuck with is my holiday baking and when it comes time to put up our decorations, we do that and when we are done, we watch the movie Elf, have popcorn, candy and pop. It’s a long day and at the end we are all rewarded with a nice cozy fire and a movie. It’s not that exciting, but it’s all I got! As I am typing this, I am thinking that having the kids write holiday messages on my tablecloth isn’t such a bad idea after all.

What are some holiday traditions that you can remember, or that you have started with your family? I am now interested and intrigued to learn more! Time is flying by so fast that if I can hold on to a teeny tiny bit of their youth… it’s worth the investment!

This has been a 12 Days of Christmas Post!! Merryblogmas!

Read what others have to share about their holiday traditions!

Alyssa from Babies, Bloodhounds and Booze | Amee from Inspired Housewife | Ana from Mommy’s Bundle | Cajun from Blooming in Bedlam| Denise from StL Motherhood | Joanna from Motherhood and Merlot | Josi from | Julie from Girl on the Move | Lauren from Twin Tested, Pin Approved | Lisa from Goofball Mommy | Lisa from Lisa Kerr | Phyllis from Verified Mom


  1. Christmas is wonderful because of all of the traditions. You don’t realize how special everything was until those who started the traditions are no longer with us. Such a good post!

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