Thank you so much for your interest in working with Verified Mom! I am pleased to share my new sponsored post rates and guidelines with you. Should you wish to work together in some other capacity than what has been listed here, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at or you can call me direct at 815-342-6739.

Collaborate basically means we are going to work together and that working relationship will be between me {aka Verified Mom} and you and your brand, or the brand you represent. In order for this relationship to work, it has to be beneficial to both of us. A simple “blog post” that includes creating, editing, photos, and promoting on social media can range anywhere from 6-8 hours from start to finish. My time is just as valuable to me as yours is to you, therefore, I do not work for free.

So, if you have read up to here and you are still interested in working with me, please take a look at the different options I offer and let me know which one is of most interest to you. If by chance you do not see an option that best suits your needs, feel free to share those needs with me and I’ll see if we can work something out. Best thing to do is ask…you never know, I might say yes! 🙂
**Posts seen in slideshow above**
DIY Valentines Vase
DIY Outdoor Umbrella Stand
DIY Thanksgiving Wreath
2 Quick Recipes
2017 rates – Let’s Work Together!
Sponsored Post/Product Review
Sponsored Post/Reviews – This requires me to actually receive the product the brand is wanting me to promote. First, the work on my end does not change, in fact, there is additional work that goes into this type of sponsored post because a specific storyline has to be created and I need to include my family. This means, I will need to gather my troops for photos and take up their time, etc… therefore, you will need to send in a non-returnable product that can be incorporated into my personal storyline. You can include a giveaway if you would like, but it is not required and there is no minimum retail value necessary. A giveaway is used to increase brand exposure and will run on two weeks. You will be responsible for sending the prize directly to the winner.
This will be a full blog post consisting of 400-500 words that include up to 2 “NO-FOLLOW” links and 2-3 images. This sponsored post will be shared on Facebook, Twitter (multiple times), Pinterest and Instagram. The blog post itself will remain on indefinitely. $200 check/PayPal or Visa Gift Card.
Holiday Gift Guide
Do you want your product featured in my highly anticipated Annual Holiday Gift Guide? You can see my digital magazines here for reference. Please email me at if you would like more information on this special option.
Social Shares Only
Social Shares: If you are just looking to reach my audience via social media, I do not require a product. I could use your own stock images, but to make it more authentic, I would suggest sending a non-returnable product. By sending in a product (if one is available), I would use one of my own photos and share that on my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts one time. There will be no blog post, or ongoing social media mentions, etc… Your company will be tagged on the social media shout-outs with the corresponding image. $50 PER product to be shared.
Sidebar Ads Only
Sidebar Ads: I offer two sizes for sidebar ads.
125×125 = $30 per month
300×250 = $60 per month
Options could also be considered, brand ambassador, Twitter party host/co-host, or working on special campaigns.
All options require payment (and/or samples) to be received prior to the post going live.
Again, if you have read this far and would still like to collaborate please email me with your option choice and let’s get the ball rolling! I’m looking forward to working together!
Thank you!