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My Day in Photos


Photos of my Life


Sadly these aren’t the best photos and the day I decided to do this was when it there were heavy storms in the area.  There wasn’t much for us to do and I pretty much forgot to take some important photos!  My day started with a 6:30am wake up text from my husband telling me about the storms he had to drive though and he was hoping they weren’t headed my way.  I panicked and ran downstairs to get the umbrella and glass table top and cushions inside.  When I got outside, the clouds were insane.  You could totally see the rain coming my way.  I rushed and got everything inside.  I fell back asleep and didn’t wake up until about 10:00am.  Then I started making banana bread with the very ripe bananas I saw sitting on the counter.  After my oldest woke up we decided to run to the eye doctor to pay my bill and get more contacts.  Then we learned that if the Chicago Cubs won their home game on Sundays, the following Monday you can get a FREE small iced coffee.  Of course she then became a Cubs fan.  Just for the iced coffee.  Then we went to CVS and started looking at makeup.  Came across Salma Hayek’s line, Nuance and fell in love with the nail polish and the bottles.  How cute are they?  We came home and I had the kids do their chores and soon after that my husband arrived home from work.  We didn’t really feel like a big dinner so it was just BLT’s and Mac n Cheese for us.  After we ate we started getting all our weather warning alerts on our phones and yes, another storm rolled in.  The sky was so amazing.  The lightening was intense.  It didn’t really rain hard, but it drizzled.  Soon after, all alerts expired and I put the kids to bed.  It was a nice quiet night.  Here are just some photos from my day…






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