Home Reviews Netflix #StreamTeam – Kindness is Magic

Netflix #StreamTeam – Kindness is Magic


Going back to school is not only exciting, but it also brings about so many other feelings for kids like, who’s going to be my friend, will they like me, what if I don’t fit in, I don’t fit in, there is something wrong with me, what if I’m not good enough….and what seems like a fun experience, can suddenly turn into an experience filled with anxiety.  


What if every kid were to be taught the magic of kindness?  I think our schools and lives would be so much more rewarding.   Teaching kindness is something that is often taught outside of the classroom and is also often emulated by watching parents, siblings, and others around and for parents to set good examples for their children.  Teach them that it is better to give than receive.  Spend some time giving back to your community.


Derek {a Netflix original} –  is a great way to foster a conversation about acceptance with your teens – from the creative mind of Ricky Gervais, a comedy genius with fans of all ages, this mockumentary style comedy-drama makes tough discussions more approachable.



Netflix StreamTeam August


Tonight I watched A Mile in His Shoes on Netflix.  I had no idea what it was about, all I knew is that it was about baseball and seeing that my son just got cut from his travel team {a whole other story in itself}, I figured, why not.  It’s relating to a subject that is fresh in my mind. 


Turns out “Micky” has Aspergers and that struck a cord because my nephew has that as well.  So now, I’m hooked for sure…baseball and Aspergers, who would have thought!  It was a very heart-felt and touching movie for me.  I watched it with two of my kids and my husband and we all took something away from the movie; empathy.   There are other movies out there that teach empathy like, Rudy, Mulan, Radio, Good Luck Charlie & Glee for the older ones.  


When the kids were younger we used to watch Arthur ALL.THE.TIME and I loved watching it with them.  He was one of my favorite characters for teaching kids how to be kind to one another.  Some other good ones are Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Season 3, Ep. 4:One Bad Apple, Arthur, Season 15, Ep. 8:Muffy’s Classic Classy Club/Best Enemies, The Huntchback of Notre Dame, Super Why, Season 1, Ep. 61:The Ugly Duckling:Becoming a Swan and The Fox and the Hound.



Take a an hour or two, watch a movie, and discuss the importance of being kind to one another before they head off to school.  Give them a little refresher course in kindness.  After all, kindness is magic!















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