Its almost December and I have always wanted to do an Advent calender. So, after searching the internet and pinterest, I decided to make my own with a little twist.
There are so many great ideas out there I couldn’t pick just one. But I knew I wanted ours to be special and our own. So, taking a cue from some fabulous blogs and pics and ideas, I created this super awesome Countdown to Christmas calender for my boys.
I found this idea from the blog, “It is what it is” by Beth Proudfoot,
I loved the bag and number idea. So I headed to Wal-Mart and found these super great holiday bags. I know brown lunch sacks would do just great as well, but I wanted something different. They were only $.25 each. I grabbed 25.
I also printed out the link for the count down circles from the same blog.
I had my bags now I just needed something special to place inside each one. Then I came across the blog “All things simple” and loved these little Things to do cards.
So now I had to come up with 25 Christmas things to do this month. One for each day. Plus a lollypop. I knew I wanted things like Look at Christmas Lights, make hot chocolate, write Santa a letter, and so on. But, I wanted something different. Something that would mean something to only them. Then I remember that I had purchased these recordable story books from the after Christmas clearance at Hallmark. They were a steal at only $9.98 each!
So, I gave each set of grandparents a book and had them record a story for the boys. Now, I can place “Read a story with Grandma and Grandpa” onto two of the cards! I know they will love this!
Now, I just needed to figure out how to display them. The Workman Family blog posted a pic of this fabulous bucket idea!
Hmmm… Now to find a bucket!!! Yikes!I have this suitcase as decor in our living room. I think it will be perfect!
Now, to put it all together and enjoy our Christmas Countdown.
I will post the final pic tomorrow morning after its all set up and when the boys discover the countdown calender. Can’t wait!!!!
Putting together our advent calender.
Boys are very excited to get started! Let the countdown begin!