Monday, February 10, 2025
    HomeVerified WritersPhyllisOur Summer Staycation

    Our Summer Staycation

    On a whim… I bought a tent.  I don’t know why exactly, just have been in the mood to go camping.  I’ve been talking about wanting to take the kids camping for the last couple weeks but I wasn’t sure if they would really appreciate the “outdoors” as much as they should…so I hesitated.  I’ve gone camping in the past {when I myself was younger -when I say younger, I mean, my early 20’s- with my friends} and I had always had fun.  We would cook outdoors, eat outdoors, sleep outdoors…and yes, even go to the bathroom outdoors…hey, only speaking the truth here.  My kids have never been real camping and I want to break them into the idea of going camping …outdoors.  My oldest {15} says she doesn’t like the outdoors…in fact, she hates being outside and never really leaves the confines of her own bedroom.  My two younger ones {12 & 9} are super excited about the idea.  SO…while I was out and about, I picked up this inexpensive 6 person tent and decided, why not?

    The kids we so excited to set it up and get to “camping”…only mom had another idea.  With the heat, humidity and no possibility of going anywhere {with my husband working 24/7}, this was the next best way to go camping…

    YEP… mom set it up in the family room!  As you can see, the two younger ones…super excited, the older one…not so much.

    Because it was later in the evening, we really didn’t do much other than set it up, watch a little tv, and head to bed.  But, as we set it all up, we laid out our blankets, grabbed our pillows, a snack, water bottle and of course…our cellphones and other electronics!  We quickly realized that if we were to go “real” camping, we would DEFINITELY require TWO queen size air mattresses!  Man, the family room is really hard when you’re sleeping on it.  I was afraid my back would really be giving me a hard time this morning when I woke up, but luckily, so far, so good!  We had all the comforts of home…air conditioning, a fully functional bathroom, running water and a full range of snacks!

    All in all, we had a fun, goofy time in our new tent.

    Maybe next time…we will take it to the backyard!

    Have you had a “Staycation” this summer?

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