Home Reviews Product Review – Jingle the Husky Pup.

Product Review – Jingle the Husky Pup.


I recently saw a commercial on TV from Hallmark for their new interactive story buddy, Jingle the Husky pup. According to Hallmark, you read the included story with Jingle and he responds. I have a 2 year old little boy who just adores puppies and this was a must buy for us! As soon as they were release for sale I purchased one. These puppies do not run cheap. They run around $30.00 for puppy and book. But, I could not pass it up.

Once I returned home with the puppy, I read the instructions carefully. We were all set and ready for our story time with Jingle.

Instructions stated that the room must be completely quiet and free from noise. Really? Is this even possible? But, after reading the story, I understood that this was a major instruction to follow. Jingle will respond to certain words or phrases that are in the book and if he can not pick up on them he will not respond. Also, while reading the book you must speak clearly and loudly. Not so loud that you are yelling, but not so quiet that it is too soft for him to hear. But, worked wonderfully!

Once we figured it out, we enjoyed our story time with Jingle. The boys laughed and cheered along as our husky pup barked and howled along with the book. After seeing their faces, I knew the price for this was well worth it. They even brought Jingle into their bed at night.

Jingle the Husky pup also starred in his very own TV show on the Hallmark Channel. Just like the book, your pup can follow along at home. We set our Jingle in front of the TV and turned him on. He barked and howled along with the TV as well. This was a fun surprise for the boys as they didn’t know our Jingle would interact with the TV as well. The movie was 30min long and stayed true to the book only adding a few little details.

On top of the book and TV show, there is a free iPad app that has games, music, and even your own interactive book that you can record your voice to and read along with Jingle. We had a blast recording our voices to the story and having the book come to life.

There are now new books and more stories available for Jingle for more adventures with your Husky pup available at Hallmark.com.

Jingle made such an impact with my boys that they insisted he be included in our holiday family photo. A wonderful new holiday tradition that is a must buy!


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