
They don’t need to struggle with making a decision. Why is it so hard to quiet all the white noise? Breathe in the joys. The joys of living in this very moment. Don’t let your happiness be the opponent. So when you’re feeling all alone, remember it’s only a steppingstone. Soon the noise inside your head will allow you some peace so you can get to bed. Your mind is silent during the night hours but in your head, you’re climbing towers. Towers that you never thought you’d climb and suddenly your brain is on overtime. Time, it’s time to wake up from your rest and you suddenly realize you are the best and this was only a test to show you that you are blessed. So when you hear all the noise, embrace the joys that surround you and soon you’ll appreciate how the quiet guides you.
Boom….Drops mic….
If you are taking part in my #WordADayChallenge don’t forget to link up your posts here!
Tomorrow’s word is Rejuvenate.

I appreciate quiet so much more now! Stillness and silence. Actually the kids are saying at grandma’s house tonight…Going to seriously soak up some QUIET!
How was your weekend? Did you get in enough quiet time? 🙂
This is my favorite so far!! My head is never actually quiet either. You are right we must embrace the words in our head.
Apparently I have a lot of words in my head! HA! It’s how to get them out of my head that’s the main issue. Once that happens, everything will be quiet…or so I hope!! 🙂
I just love this idea and love the words you’ve chosen. Just reading this has got me reflecting of several of the words!
Thank you! It’s been a tough challenge that’s for sure!
I’m not sure my mind knows what quiet means. I wish some days it did.
This is a beautiful essay. Quiet is a wonderful word and concept to ponder about.
Thank you so much!
Focus and quiet! Love this and I love the idea of the One Word Blog Challenge!
Thank you so much! I totally sucked at completing my own challenge, but it was an eye opening experience and forced me to think and write out of my comfort zone. I’d say that alone was a success! 🙂