I have no idea where my photos are from this tournament. All I have are I think the last game and they weren’t much. We played the DeKalb Lightning and won 16-1. We played the Oswego Cobra’s and won….12-2. We played the Batavia Bandits and won…9-4. We played the Norther Illinois Reds and won, 13-2 and we won the tournament after playing the championship game against the Troy Titans 13-4. Here are some pics I took with my phone. Here is my boy waiting to bat….
Here he is sitting on third base. At the end of the night he was starting to get sick to his stomach. Probably because he really hadn’t eaten too much prior to his game. I could tell by the look on his face, he wasn’t feeling 100%. (it’s a bit blurry, sorry about that)
After a time out or what ever they did, here he is coming into home. Then I gave him something to drink and a tums…just in case! 😉 However, I don’t think it worked because at the end of the game when they were lining up to accept their trophy, he was doubled over in pain…but he hid it well.
Here he is with his trophy…it was a little mini bat. I thought it was really cute and different. No, it wasn’t a t-shirt, and it wasn’t a medal or trophy, but it was pretty cool and he was excited about receiving it. (In fact, I actually liked it better than the trophy but that’s just my opinion.)
and last but not least, the champs! YAY!!!
Have a great week!