Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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    Staycation Plans – We did nothing!

    Do you Staycation?


    With our summer being so blah and rainy this year, we’ve done a lot of daily staycations and it’s getting quite boring.  Don’t get me wrong, I love staying home with the kids, but I’m running out of indoor things for us to do here.  We have used the pool when it was possible and weather permitting.  I won’t go in it unless it’s at least 80 degrees or there about.  I’ve forced the kids to go in the pool with me.  We’ve rented movies, had indoor picnics and played games.  They’re older so unless I physically demand that they come out of their “cave’s”, I’d never see them.


    This past weekend I took the girls to the craft store and picked up a couple things for us to do.  Then we went to one of our favorite stores and I bought myself a “souvenir”, because why not?  


    Staycation Souvenir


    Isn’t it pretty?  It’s a handmade sterling silver wrapped jade crystal charm.  I love it.  Fell in love with it as soon as I saw it and knew I had to have it.  My oldest told me to “treat yo self”…so I did.


    After our outing we started crafting.  It was a day filled with Perler beads and my iron.  We crafted so many different things.  My youngest did a lot of Minecraft ones {I don’t have pics of those because she took them all away before I could get one}, but they turned out really good.  She made the Creeper #2, spider, ghost and a bunch of other ones.  And my oldest made a big Beemo from Adventure Time.  I made a bunch of everything.  


    Staycation craft



    staycation crafting with perler beads


    And here are my finished products! I am particularly fond of my robot.   I think she’s super cute! I have to admit, I was getting a little addicted to these beads.  I actually want to make more!  It was fun spending time with the girls just crafting, chatting and laughing.  Our staycation craft day and little outing was enough to put a smile on my face! 🙂


    Staycation With Perler Beads


    What would you do on a staycation?  Please…give me MORE ideas!  I need them badly!  We still have 4 weeks of summer vacation and I need to fill up the days!



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