Home Motherhood Suze Orman Gives Homework

Suze Orman Gives Homework


On her last show (10-10-09), she had a girl that was making $80,000 a year, and ended up leaving a career, got married, lost herself, got divorced and is now in debt living with her sister. Suze asked what is the one thing holding her back and she replied with the exact same answer that I was going to give…FEAR. Suze gave her an assignment to do for the next thirty days and I have taken it upon myself to do the assignment too.

She told her to create a new ‘truth’. She said to write down on a piece of paper 25 times a day, “I am more successful than I ever drempt possible” and to repeat it to yourself a few times a day while looking at yourself in the mirror. Look directly into your eyes and repeat that saying. Do this for 30 days and see where you are and what changes have taken place.

I, being a big believer in the law of attraction, believe that when you think positive, positive things happen. With the way I have been thinking lately with the mortgage, life in general, my husbands lack of work, all the anger, etc…it dawned on me that I am putting too much focus on the negative aspects. SO, once again, it took Suze to snap me out of my weekly funk and I am going to put as much effort in this as I can and at the end of the month, I really want to feel that the saying is in fact my new truth!

I will share my journey with you….

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