Tuesday, February 11, 2025

    Tag: organization

    That moment you can see the TOP of your desk! #organized

    I haven't had that moment in FOR.EVER. Seriously, you have to understand my house to know that my office is the catch all room...

    Fodeez {Product Review}

    If there is one thing I am always striving for, it's organization.  No matter what I simply cannot manage my time well.  I bet...

    Our Last Big Boy Room Makeover

    We have been in the process of upgrading, my now 5 year old, from his baby room to his very first big boy room....

    {Local Event} Operation Party, Support, Love Fundraising event

          Several months ago, Jennifer from BellaGrey Designs, asked us to help out with an event she was organizing and hosting on behalf of Operation Shower, Operation...

    DIY Laundry Room Makeover

    So today I was bored and had this crazy idea to clean up and paint my laundry room.  We haven't done anything to our...

    Quick and Easy Bathroom Organization

    Need to organize a space in your home but not sure what to do or how to get started? A few weekends ago I...

    {Product Review} Q-Knot reusable ties

    Q-Knots are reusable multipurpose ties used for just about anything in your home or office. From loose wires, to chip bags, and everything in...

    D-Wings by UT Wire

    What a cleaver little product! Just a few pieces of uniquely designed plastic can save your life… well the life of your electronics at...

    Family Dinner Organzation

    In an attempt, or should I say struggle, to stay organized each day, I decided I needed a better way to organize our weekly...

    Housework; have nothing to do?

    If you are bored, do you automatically feel as if you should be doing housework? I certainly don't. I have never been...

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