Sunday, February 16, 2025

    Tag: paint

    How to Decorate with Discount Decor & a Little Fresh Paint

    We haven't painted our kitchen and family room for about fourteen years. Just imagine if you will, all the little handprints, wall dents, and holes that accumulate over fourteen years. It was definitely time to dig out our paint brushes and get to updating.

    {DIY} Glitter Vases

    Spruce up a simple glass jar, candle holder, vase, or any glass item with this simple and super easy DIY craft. All you need is...

    Using Paint to Update a room

    When we moved into our new home just over a year ago, it was move in ready! Well, except for the master bedroom. My...

    DIY Craft – Halloween Lanterns

    As we say in Texas, "It's fall, y'all!" LOL, But, you wouldn't know it by our weather. Still in the high 90s and only...

    DIY Patriotic Wood Blocks

    Perfect DIY for Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and the Summer!! Super cute and super easy to create.   What you need. Sandpaper Wood Blocks - different sizes Spray...

    Spruce up Wall Decor

    I have a wall that is just blah! It is right at the top of our stairs and I have to stare at every...

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