My newly teen-aged son had decided that he wanted to nix the little boy “sports” theme bedroom and go for a look and style that is unique to him. I have to admit, I was a bit scared with his choice of colors and I really had to remember, it isn’t my room, it’s his and as long as he’s happy in it, I don’t care. Before we decided to do this big change, I was presented with information on The Paint Brush Cover made by Likwid Concepts after Sal Depaola came up with this product while running his painting side business. With a husband in the trade professionally, I knew I had to let him put it to the test.
When it’s painting day, I usually leave the house. He’s such a perfectionist that I just don’t have that kinda time! So, I am going to take you through a series of events starting with some before shots of my sons bedroom. It was decorated in a Chicago White Sox theme and he had the gray for gosh, probably 6 years. He was due for a change.
You can see it’s blandness can’t you? This was after we had taken everything off the walls. My husband had a burst of energy and before I knew it, his room was dismantled before I was able to take a photo to share here. After he removed everything off the walls {he had about 30 something trophies from all his years in travel baseball}, a few shelves, posters, and a lego sorting storage box, it was time to cover all the holes. Having a drywall finisher in the family does have it’s perks. Our walls are spotless! You can see him in action in the first photo! 🙂
Once he was please with how he repaired the drywall, it was time to get painting. His prep work takes forever but once he gets started, it’s hard for him to stop. But when he did stop, he had The Paint Brush Cover and The Roller Cover ready and waiting. It’s actually very nice to have on hand and the quality is wonderful. It’s pretty sturdy and covers the entire brush as it needs it. It wasn’t so much the test of how it fit as it was how it worked when he went to use the brush and roller the next day.
You can see the color that my son selected, right? It is a bright green and blue! OMG my eyes! He absolutely loves his new color and the way that the room looks. Granted it isn’t finished being decorated completely, but you’ll get the idea and I’ll update the post once it is officially finished with decor and all. He’s just taken a long time in deciding what he really wanted. Ok, so how did The Paint Brush Cover {$4.99} and The Roller Cover {$6.99} work you ask? It was GREAT!!! The next day my husband just picked up his brushes as he needed them and they were ready to go! He didn’t have to wash anything or throw anything away, it was as if he never stopped painting the day before. It was air-tight and did what it said it would do. He’s pleased with the product and has placed them with his painting tools for future use. I may have to find them and steal them back because I have plans on repainting our bedroom! Or, I may have to order some or pick some up at my local DIY store. However, you can get more information by visiting too. When it came time for clean up, the products cleaned up quickly and easily – another bonus!
Ok, so here’s a brief photo of what the colors look like together on the wall. This is where the colors meet, so you have two walls with this on it…
It does look cool, but a little bright for my taste, but he loves it. It’s accented with white and black. I am still waiting on some black shelving, posters, valance and bedskirt. Once it’s all put together, I’ll update you! 🙂 What do you think of my sons color choices?
Looks great! I want to update my daughters room by doing an accent wall.. these look handy!
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