Today I chatted with business/life coach Susan Creal, founder of and she provided our listeners with her top ten tips for balancing work and life. It is a struggle many women entrepreneurs face and it was such a pleasure and enlightening discussion.
Susan Creal is a dynamic entrepreneur who helps mom entrepreneurs give birth to their businesses, teach them how to love and embrace what they do and celebrate their phenomenal success making more money than they thought was possible. She educates, inspires, has a gift of getting right to the issues while bringing fun and play back to business!
We all need a few extra tips here and there. Hopefully some of these can help you especially during this time of year!
1. Surround Yourself with a Support Network– make sure you have your support in place especially during the holiday season. Make sure you are supported by people who understand what you do, what your goals are and how they can support you best.
2. Let go of Feeling Guilty! – I once heard and use all the time in my own life that ‘Guilt is a Useless Emotion”. When you think of it, it really is! What good is guilt? If you know you are doing your best, being the best person you can be, giving what you need to give of yourself to your family and your business, than celebrate that!! Guilt is a super waste of energy. Try introducing logic instead.
3. Establish Limits and Boundaries– A MUST for any entrepreneur and momma! When we say ‘yes’ to too many people, obligations pile up and we get totally out of control. What is your limit when it comes to giving of your time? What boundaries do you need to set up to make your work day run smoothly?
4. Take Time for Yourself– Get rid of the guilt and DO THIS! Truly, carve out a few hours or a full day, and you will come back to life!! I explain how to do this in detail in my new Inner Circle Program that will be launched next week!
5. Get Organized! This is soo important…there are a few things you can do TODAY that will get you on the right track. First thing…CLEAR OFF THAT OFFICE DESK! Get things in folders, binders, the file cabinet. Make it a weekend project. Then, CLEAR UP THAT COMPUTER DESKTOP! It is so easy to simply store files all over the place, but don’t let that consume you! Lastly, a great book I highly recommenced is Getting Things Done, but David Allen.. Ask for it for a present!
6. Outsource! – Yes, TAKE THIS PLUNGE! I talk more about how to do this and some great resources as to how to do in on a shoe string budget, but outsourcing any responsibility in your own life and business is key to life balance and success. Have the babysitter swing by the grocery store, have the dry cleaning delivered, assign the laundry to your children, hire a Virtual Assistant for your business.
7. Be Flexible – learn how to go with the flow, be open for change and to forgive yourself. I find the best way to be flexible is to find the humor in EVERYTHING. Life is too short for frowning!
8. Be Present for Your Family– When you have family time…be present.. be in the moment…your children know when you are thinking about work or all the things you didn’t get done. Forget all that.. Trust me, you don’t want to grow older and regret all the time you didn’t do this.
9. Find a Sitter You Can Trust..and more than one! I learned this the hard way. I am so ‘picky’ when it comes to sitters that for the longest time I only had one. Well, she was so popular that it was hard to get her when I wanted and I was stuck. I finally ‘let go’ of that and have made sure I interview and get to know future sitters so I am comfortable.
10. Be An Expert at Focus AND Multitasking. Truly. When it is time to focus, set a timer, close the door and focus on the task at hand. When you are able to multitask, do it well. If I have to cook dinner, I will throw in the laundry, shoot a quick video, start the uploading process and sweep the floor! As a mother you are a pro at this! Also, if you have ever waited tables, you can certainly draw from those experiences!
For more information on Business/Life Coach, Susan Creal, visit or visit her blog.
Number 3, Establish Limits and Boundaries, is one of the most important, yet least understood strategies for achieving Work-Life Balance. Boundaries can be set too closely, in which case we run the risk of blocking support as well as energy drains. They can be set too loosely, in which case we lose connection with our fundamental values. Finding the sweet spot where boundaries support effectiveness at home and at work is worth the effort.
Here’s a tip for refining boundaries.
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