Home Body & Mind 2014 Goal kick started with a Green Smoothie

2014 Goal kick started with a Green Smoothie


Welcome to 2014

It’s here, it’s here!  2014 is finally here!  Am I excited?  YES I am!  It’s the time for new beginnings.  I know I’ve said it before {I’ve even posted about it}, but this time, something struck me and I thought not this time…this time I’m making it work if it’s the last thing I do!  YES…lose weight.  It’s on my goal list and I am going to scratch it off this year!  I was talking to my oldest and said I was going to try and lose 50 pounds this year and she said, “Yeah, you’ve said that before” and with that… I realized, I’ve never followed up with my talk.  I’ve said it every year…wait, no, I’ve said it just about every month and yet, I have done nothing but spew out excuses after excuses as to why I didn’t or couldn’t eat better or work out.  Now, not only have I placed doubt in my own head, I’ve placed it in my daughters too!  I cannot have that!  What kind of a role model does that?  I have to make a change and it is going to start with a little strength and by taking it one day at a time.  I know deep down inside I have it in me, I know it.  I just have to prove it to myself and little by little, my children will see that when you believe in yourself, anything is possible.

So, today I decided to start a 21-day green smoothie challenge and make one small change at a time.  I made my green smoothie to kick start my day!  I took two small bunches of Kale, 2 cups of baby spinach, one red apple, 6 baby carrots, one banana {forgot to add it to my photo}, coconut water and one tablespoon of flaxseed.  I added it to my Vitamix and in a matter of moments, I had my breakfast.  


One thing I have to remember is to add ice!  It doesn’t taste as good warm, that’s for sure!  My husband even tried it and said it wasn’t bad and those that know my husband {he’s very picky}, knows if he doesn’t like it, he’s not eating or drinking it…plain and simple.  We toasted the day to healthy living in 2014 and downed our drinks.  I love starting my day like that because it makes me feel like I’m doing something good for myself and over time it will start to make me feel so much better.  I’m on my way…and tomorrow I’ll share what I am using as my anchor!  What’s the one goal you wish to cross off your goal list this year?


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