If you love your iPhone like I do, you use it for everything. I am admitting here today that I am in fact, an app addict. Downloading apps for anything and everything, I have become a go-to app person in my home. More times than not, I’ll respond to any conversation with, “There’s an app for that”. Today I am going to share with you just a tasting of my favorite photography apps.
My Favorite Photography Apps!
The biggest thing right now is images. We are visual people and with social media platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram, it means we have to display the best version of our photos. There are many, many different photography apps but I have narrowed this down to my top 18. Yes, I am a secret nerd and actually, have all these photo apps on my iPhone today. Best part…they are ALL FREE!
Let’s get started, shall we? I am going to share these (affiliate links attached) in no particular order.
Over is one of my favorite apps and has been for a long time. It allows you to use a huge library of graphics, images, fonts, artwork and more! There are so many tools that you can use like masking, manual adjusting, blending, blurring, filters, drop shadows, and tint. They also have a Pro version that you can add on to (that gives you things like pattern sheets, daily artwork, but I stick with the free option as it has plenty of options that I can work with. You also have the option to make individual purchases like extra fonts, or artwork packs. Again, I stick with free (though I have purchased a font set because…I love fonts).
If you don’t use the square option when taking your photos but later realize you want to share it on Instagram, you can use an app like Instasize. It allows you to crop down the image so that it fits perfectly into the size that Instagram allows. If your image is too small, you can add a background to it or a solid color so it “fills in the gap” so to speak. I like this one because it is quick and easy to use. You can upload to Instagram right from the app (along with some other social platforms) or save it to your camera roll for later use.
Blur Editor
Blur Editor is great for blurring out the background or specific parts of your photo. I like it because you can adjust the size of the blur brush and alter the opacity of the blur. You can also zoom in and out which allows you to blur each and every speck of your photo if you needed to. Don’t worry, if you make a mistake and blur too much, you can unblur whatever section you need to without having to start all over!
Cut & Paste
This one is a bit trickier but still effective. It allows you to cut a specific part of your image out and paste it onto a different background. The tricky part is trying to cut it as close to the image as possible. I am still working on this one…it’s challenging! You can use an eraser tool that is great, but I would love to see them add the ability to change the size of the eraser tool. Another thing that can be improved is having the ability to zoom in and out using the pinch method, right not you can’t zoom in at all which makes getting certain areas of the image more difficult. Yet, this is a good starter app for cutting out an image. I’m still on the hunt for a better one so I’ll update you all when I find it! 🙂
Union is an awesome app that my son actually introduced me to a long time ago. This amazing little app allows you to blend different images together. You can select a background, size it, edit it for quality, add a foreground, edit that, add a mask, flatten, and export. It is one of the handiest apps I have…and it’s all free!
You Doodle
You Doodle is exactly what it sounds like. You basically doodle on your images. It’s a freeform type of doodle so just use your finger and draw away. You can use a paintbrush, dropper tool, paint can, or spray…it’s just like you are your own little graffiti artist creating artwork on your images. It’s fun and the kids like it. Like when they get a hold of your phone and draw mustaches on your last selfie pic….yeah, that’s fun.
Snapseed is a Google app and it’s pretty good for editing photos. They too have changed things around but I like it. You have various editing tools like tuning the image, healing (great for getting rid of wrinkles or acne), vignette, and adding text. They also have a good variety of filters you can use, my favorite being the vintage filter. It’s a fairly decent photo editing app for when you’re on the go.
Art Effect
Art Effect is a new one I just recently downloaded. It’s super fun because you can transform your image into fun and funky artwork. They have filters that make your image looks like different types of paintings and artwork, like the Scream painting or My Friend. It’s super cool. You can directly upload the finished product to Instagram, FB or save it to your camera roll. Very fun app to play around with. I hope they come up with additional filters!
Photoshop Mix
Photoshop Mix is by Adobe and is another great, no, totally awesome app! You can edit everything…even hair! Do you know how hard it is to cut photos with hair in them! It’s so time-consuming and frustrating! There are so many editing options in this app that I just can’t begin to name them all. Just think of it as Photoshop in your pocket. It will not disappoint!
Photo Collage
Do you want to create a quick photo collage? Photo Collage / Magic Photo allows you to arrange up to 6 photos into a fun or classic grid. You can edit to add text to your collage or leave it as is. Share it on your social media platforms or just to your camera roll. This app is very user-friendly.
This is a fun and powerful little app that lets you quickly crop, rotate, edit and fine tune any image…for free! You can add text, create a collage, double expose, and more. The creators also have a paid version for desktop and a web-based app. It’s sort of like a mini Photoshop.
Bitpoem is a new one that I just discovered and I am having so much fun with it! This app allows you to quickly and easily apply selected color effects (like making one part of the photo black and white and the other part is a vibrant, colorful image), camera effects (like HDR or Bokeh), artistic effects such as glow, newspaper or watercolor, image blending (hard light or overlay), and texture effects such as clouds, fabric or paper. It’s one that I find myself just picking out pictures on my phone and spontaneously editing them just for fun.
Do you love creating gifs? Now you can do it using your own videos! This funky app allows you find the highlights in your video’s, speed them up, slow them down and find the perfect in-action shot. Now you don’t have to worry about missing that “in air” shot, just scroll through with your finger and you can capture it every time!
This app lets the user select a collage design, add photos, videos (your own or you can use log into your YouTube account and use any video on YouTube), music (you can add purchased or your own music) and you can change the style of your image. It then converts it into a video/photo that you can share on Instagram, Facebook, etc… The free version puts the PicPlayPost watermark on it, or you can purchase the app and remove that watermark. If you like photos and videos, this is the app for you!
Mix On Pix
Here you can add words to your pictures either with fonts or by using your finger. You can resize the text, add arrows and different stock artwork, and reposition it quickly. There are so many options available to totally transform your boring image to one that will capture your the attention of your viewers.
Last but certainly not least, this one is a bit more complex and I am still in the learning stage but I am having so much fun with it! Vidra lets you create a video slideshow using it’s preloaded pictograms or your own images. You have the ability to type in your content or you can personalize it by using your own finger drawing skills. Take a look at this one I just quickly whipped up for you. Once you’re done with your artwork you can hit the record button and add your own voice to it. You can then add music and share the video online by uploading it to YouTube! Super fun, super simple!
The free version has the watermark on it but the paid version is only $4.99 and it removes the watermarks, credits, gives you unlimited stories and 100,000 icons and more! It’s well worth the investment if you love creating video slideshows! 🙂
I hope you enjoy these fantastic photo apps as much as I do. If you have a new or fun app for me to learn about, please share it in the comments. If you use any of these for yourself, let me know! I will be writing a weekly post sharing some of my most favorite apps in a variety of categories.
PicPlayPost is one of my all time faves… there are a lot on here I have never heard of! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Lauren, I just discovered another TWO yesterday! If you haven’t seen them, try PIP Camera and InstaBeauty! FUN!!
I wish I still had a iPhone but, the cost of it monthly was killing us. So I have a cheap one right now. I love using the app. PicMonkey it’s easy to use. I thinks it’s available for iPhone too.
PicMonkey is actually on my “blogging” list of apps to share! 🙂 I’ll be adding more of my favorite apps periodically. I love apps. 😉
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PicPlayPost is one of my all time faves… there are a lot on here I have never heard of! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Lauren, I just discovered another TWO yesterday! If you haven’t seen them, try PIP Camera and InstaBeauty! FUN!!
I wish I still had a iPhone but, the cost of it monthly was killing us. So I have a cheap one right now. I love using the app. PicMonkey it’s easy to use. I thinks it’s available for iPhone too.
PicMonkey is actually on my “blogging” list of apps to share! 🙂 I’ll be adding more of my favorite apps periodically. I love apps. 😉