Home Motherhood Good Deal Alert at Target this week!

Good Deal Alert at Target this week!


They have advertised the Fusion Power razor for $9.44 each. When you purchase two of them you receive a $10.00 gift card. There are $4.00 off Fusion Razors in the Procter and Gamble June Save insert (6/1/08). Get two of those and this is how your scenario will play out…

Two Fusion Power Razors @ 9.44 each for a total of $18.88.
2 – $4.00 off coupons from 6/1
Total spent $10.88 and get a $10.00 gift card.
You just spent .88 for two razors!

Take your gift card and do the deal again using 2 more coupons! Keep rolling it and you have yourself a good deal! 🙂

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