iCoffee Single Serve Brewer
I’m going to give it to you straight. I was not much of a coffee drinker prior to testing out the iCoffee Opus single serve brewer. I had been wanting to give the Keurig a try since it came out because all the cool kids had one and I wanted to see what the hype was. I never did get a Keurig there for, I never had that experience. That was up until I received the iCoffee Opus to test out and share my thoughts. Again…never was a big coffee drinker but was extremely curious to try out this machine and experiment with the almighty “k-cup” and all its glorious flavors of coffee’s, teas and hot cocoa’s!
When I mentioned that I’d be receiving the iCoffee Opus single server brewer, my husband blurted out “You don’t even drink coffee” and that was followed up by, “Those single serve things are stupid and I’ll never use them, so it’s a waste for them to send it to you”….oh, ok then. My reply, “When it comes I better not see you using it….ever…it’s mine, all mine.”. Take that negative Nancy!
The day came. The doorbell rang. I opened the door and there is sat…of course, I didn’t know it was that until I opened the box, but I knew in my gut that what was in that box would change my life…forever. I was beyond excited. Finally, I get to be a cool kid with a fancy single serve coffee maker. Shortly after the unboxing, my teenaged daughter came home from school. She was excited too because she just discovered her love for iced coffee and wanted to make her own. The two of us stared at the Opus in amazement. We didn’t know where to begin. In the box was a sample pack of coffee and tea. I could have started with just that but that didn’t seem like enough so my daughter and I ran to the store to find some k-cups we wanted to try. We came home with an iced coffee and a caramel vanilla coffee, iced tea and hot cocoa. I was a bit giddy, not even gonna lie.
Come home to find this…
Yes, that there is my husband. Yes, that there is the iCoffee Opus single serve brewer on the counter. Yes, that there is him reading the instruction manual. HEY!!! That’s mine!!! Back off buddy! So the fight begins.
With the iCoffee Opus, the iCup was included. The iCup is a reusable cup that allows you to use your own coffee grounds to make a delicious cup of coffee. My husband packed his iCup full of his extremely dark roasted coffee and he too, pushed the magic button. In seconds he had his cup of coffee and doctored it up to his liking and sat down on the couch next to me. His first sentence…
“I think you converted me.”
Him? Converted him? The guy who is stuck in his own ways? Did I convert him? No, I didn’t convert him. The iCoffee Opus single serve brewer converted him, not me. I, on the other hand, discovered my love for flavored coffees! They are so amazingly tasty!
The amazing iCoffee Opus single serve brewer now sits where the big coffee pot used to sit. My husband moved his big coffee pot over to make room for the new guy. We now have them sharing counter space because my husband still needs to make a huge pot of coffee to take to work with him, however, our new Lil guy is there for all of us to enjoy.
Here are some specifics on the iCoffee Opus single serve brewer that you should know about. I like that it has a dial that you can control the size of what is to be brewed. If I have a big cup of iced coffee, I want to drink a big cup. If I’m in the mood for a small cup of tea, then I want to use my small cup. The dial allows you to select your cup size anywhere from 4-12 ounces can be brewed. I love that it produces your coffee in less than a minute. Within about 40 seconds you have yourself a piping hot cup of coffee. That’s awesome. It works with all varieties of k-type cups making it easy to find the perfect flavoring of coffees. The reservoir holds enough water making it great for the whole family! I love the energy saving mode so it’s not sitting on all day long waiting for you to suddenly want a hot cup of tea and you don’t have to sit there waiting for water to boil. It’s on call! It also comes with a removable drip tray {which for my husband is a necessity… I swear I don’t know how one person can be so messy with a cup!}, which allows you to remove it making room for larger cups. I love that it fits my husbands weekend travel mug so he doesn’t have to brew a whole pot of coffee when all he wants is one fast cup to go. I love the blue light it displays when it’s making its magic!! All in all, I am a huge fan of this brewer and I am so glad I was given the opportunity to test it out. The iCoffee Opus single serve brewer won my heart. I’m a fan. Forever {and that says a lot coming from this once non-coffee drinker}. For more information, I encourage you to visit www.icoffee.com today.