You may have heard of the hashtag #SeptemberScopers over the last 30 days because it hit Periscope by storm! My wonderful & brilliant friends, Julie from Girl on the Move Blog & Lauren from Working Mom Magic created this challenge to get those who wanted to try Periscope an opportunity to do so with support from fellow scopers. It has allowed us to grow as scopers and to get over that initial fear of being on camera for the world to see. Using the prompts that had been set up gave everyone an opportunity to share their own relatable stories. So, since September is now over, they’ve created another months worth of prompts which you can see above.
It’s very easy to join in the fun. Just download the Periscope app from iTunes or Google Play and log in using your Twitter handle. Once you’re on it, you can search for me at, or you can jump on Twitter and follow along using the hashtag #OctoberScopers.
By taking part in this challenge I’ve met so many fellow bloggers and I LOVE it! I love the real time interactions and getting to know the voices & mannerisms of those I’m watching because then when I’m reading their blog, I can grasp their tones. The networking alone has been fantastic! I urge you to give it a try…no, I DOUBLE DOG DARE you!!!