Sunday, February 16, 2025
    HomeReviewsSuper ME! Backpack for Tots - #BackToSchool14

    Super ME! Backpack for Tots – #BackToSchool14

    We had the opportunity to test out the Super ME! backpacks by and I have to say…WOW! These backpacks are amazing! They are like no other I’ve seen and I’ll tell you why:

    Preschoolers & kindergartners will love the backpacks by Super ME!. Super ME! backpacks are machine washable {hello moms}, water-resistant {just in case those water bottles get a little leaky}, are lightweight yet durable, have adjustable straps and they even have reflective buckles for safety! But the best part, according to the kiddos, is that it has a super secret hidden cape that tucks nicely inside a zippered compartment and also has a Superhero eye mask under the front flap. Up up and away and your little one is flying his or her way to school! They are under $40 and well worth every penny.

    I must backtrack now. I mentioned that the backpack is water resistant that to me is the best part, not to mention it is amazingly sturdy! I went and zippered it and my husband said, “That sounds like a good backpack”, so I had to ask why he would say that without even seeing it. He said it was because the way that they zipper sounded when I closed it, it sounded like it was made well and not flimsy like the {name brand} one we got for my son who is in 7th grade. My hubs actually made a bet with my son that the first thing that will go on that backpack is the zipper. If Super ME! had backpacks for middle school students, I’d totally buy one! But even still, for the little guys and gals, this backpack will last a very, very long time, it’s that good! I’ve honestly never seen anything made as well as I have with this backpack. Be sure to check them out at for more details and options!
    *** SuperME donates a portion of its proceeds to support PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and encourages children to be proud of who they are and accepting of others.






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