Sunday, February 16, 2025
    HomeMotherhoodWoman Behind The Work: Liba Lurie

    Woman Behind The Work: Liba Lurie

    I am kicking off the Woman Behind The Work series by introducing you to a wonderful woman who is also a psychologist and mother of four!  Liba Lurie is the founder of Motherhood In the Making.  She helps moms who feel overwhelmed and out of balance to regain their sense of calm, confidence, and connection to themselves and their kids.  Prior to becoming a working mom, Liba was living in Australia, having babies and working on her master’s degree in Psychology.  Let’s learn more about her, her family and her fabulous business.


    Liba Lurie is the @VerifiedMom - Woman Behind The Work - Interview Series Week 1


    The Woman


    Tell me a little bit about your typical day.

    I have four kids, ages 9, 7, 4 and 18 months.  My typical day starts with cuddles (only because half of my kids crawl into my bed during the night and I’m too tired in the morning to jump out of bed) and a few complaints. Once everyone is dressed and finally finds that rogue shoe (there’s always one) we’re out the door to hit three drop-off spots by 7:25am. Then it’s a mad dash and juggle of clients, cooking, laundry, and random errands that suit the current needs and season. Pick up begins at 1:30 pm because that’s the way it is where I live and then it’s all a blur between pick up, snack time, meal time, bath time and bedtime. In between I try to squeeze in some mindful breaths and moments of connection with myself and each kid; to keep it in perspective and to enjoy the madness.

    How do you juggle work and family?

    I drink coffee and take a lot of deep breaths!

    What do you like to do just for fun?

    I like to walk, watch movies, and socialize.
    What are your personal goals for 2016-2017?  What do you hope to accomplish?
    I would like to fill up my private practice here in Jerusalem and abroad (via Skype) and finish developing my online courses.

    If you had two hours just for you, what would you spend them on?

    I would spend it writing.

    The Work


    What do you feel has brought you the most success in promoting your business?

    I have received the most success by simply asking the women, what is their biggest motherhood struggle they are facing.

    What has been your biggest business related challenge?


    What is your signature product?

    My signature product is a free online course titled:  How to stay calm and present when your kids drive you crazy 

    Do you have any advice for other business women who are just starting out?

    You can’t serve everyone; as hard as it is, narrow it down and choose who you serve best and serve them well.

    What are you most proud of, either business or personal?

    I am most proud of becoming a licensed psychologist and mother of 4 by the time I was 30

    What do you feel some of the pros/cons are of working for yourself?

    Time management, direction, and motivation!


    Thank you, Liba for sharing a little piece of you and your business.  I wish you the best of luck on all your future adventures!

    For more information, please visit Liba at Motherhood In the Making or the Motherhood In the Making Facebook Page.


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