Monday, February 10, 2025
    HomeUncategorized{A-Z} K is for Kids

    {A-Z} K is for Kids

    K is for Kids




    I seem to be writing a lot about my kids lately, so “K” seems like a great opportunity to talk about them all one more time!  I am constantly in awe with them each individually and together.  Together they complete our family.   When one of them is at a sleep over or isn’t there for what ever the reason, the house feels weird.   I can only imagine what it will be like when none of them are here anymore.  Will I be bored?  Will I be lonely?  Will I be content?  Will I be sad?  What will I be while they are all off doing what they are doing with their lives and eventually with their own family?  Having kids is a great experience, but it’s when they leave that, what?  The real fun begins?  Is that to be considered your third or fourth life?  I always thought life worked in stages.  First you’re a kid, then you are an adult, then an adult with kids and a husband (if that’s what you choose), and then, your real life begins.  The life you could only have dreamed of.  The life that you have wished for.  The time when you can start checking things off your bucket list because the bucket is getting close and closer.  How did this post go from a happy post about the joys children can bring a home to a Debbie downer post about getting old and kicking the bucket? LOL  


    My dreams…when my kids are all grown and out of the house?  I want to travel.  I want to do things I enjoy…just because I can!  If I have to do that alone, I will.  If my husband would like to take part in my adventure, he can…or not, either way, it will be this moms time to shine and that is exactly what I intend on doing! 🙂


    What do you think you will be doing with your life when your kids are all grown and gone?  How do you picture your days and nights?

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    1. I can’t even picture my babies being all grown up. They are 4 and almost 2. I guess they can’t stay my babies forever though, huh?

    2. When my kids are all gone (if they every leave that is) I hope to travel! Granted, I prefer to travel now that Mr. Sexy are younger but we don’t have the money AND we have all these kids to take care of. If we still don’t have money when they leave ( I forgot about college) then whatever we are doing, we will be busy and having loads of fun. That’s just the kind of people we are. I’m actually looking forward to it already! lol

    3. Hi Phyllis – I found you through SITS. I have a newborn blog where I’m writing about teens. Loved this post – I’m headed here very soon. Looking forward to reading more 🙂

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