Home Guest Posts Calling all contributors!

Calling all contributors!


Tots To Teens Magazine is now accepting contributor applications!  We are looking for moms who are passionate about parenting, and would love to share their own personal stories and knowledge with other moms.  If you have a flair for kid fashion, love to host parties, create your own handmade gifts and craft, have an eye for interior design, love to cook and bake, or just love to talk, we would love to add you to our team!  This is a volunteer position but we are throwing in some perks just for you!

What do you need to do?  All we ask is that you create 1-2 blog posts per week!  That’s it!

What will you get in return?

  •  You will get your photo and bio on the “Meet The Team” page {of course} with links to your personal blog/Twitter, Facebook and your company URL {if you have one}…if you choose to share them.
  •  Your photo and bio at the end of each of your blog posts.
  •  You will receive your own “Mama Says…” column!
  •  Display your blog or company button with a link to your blog/business/page in the T2T sidebar that appears on all pages.
  • We will share your posts via Twitter and Facebook for added exposure.
  • You will also create a new mom network of friends!!!

If you think you have it in you, please email editor@totstoteensmagazine.com for more details!  We are willing to work with you and your schedule!

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