Sunday, February 16, 2025
    HomeBlogging BasicsKnow Your Worth & Stop Blogging For Free!

    Know Your Worth & Stop Blogging For Free!


    Say NO to Blogging For Free!

    Stop Blogging For Free


    Do these responses sound familiar to you?  Yes, these statements were all sent to me from PR companies working for well-known brands.


    Thanks for your email. At this time, we do not have the budget for sponsored posts. I will certainly keep you in mind if we do!

    Unfortunately, we do not have a budget to support this campaign so we’ll have to pass on the opportunity. Hopefully we can work together in the future!


    Are you interested in covering the partnership? I’m happy to answer questions and provide high res images, behind-the-scenes images, video links or arrange an interview.



    Maybe it’s PMS, or maybe I am just really sick and tired of receiving the same emails over and over again and receiving the same responses over and over, but this madness needs to stop!  My fellow bloggers, you know exactly what I am referring to.  Those pesty emails from PR folks that basically ask you to post all about their clients product and in doing so, you’ll get absolutely nothing in return.  If you’re really lucky, they will offer you a $1.99 box of their flavored snacks, or a .99 pen.  I can’t even count high enough to tell you how many emails I get on the daily to do this.  Well, today I’ve had enough.  I am writing this blog post because I am sick and tired of hearing the same responses that I can completely call BULL SHIT on.  There have been many days where I want to respond to those types of emails with: “Bitch Please” and leave it at that.  Emails that have a response such as this:  Unfortunately, we do not offer paid placements but if you’re interested in covering because you feel your readers would benefit, LMK

    I refrain from responding, just hit delete and move on.  I’m not blogging for free…not anymore!!!!


    Let me tell you brands and PR peeps.  I work very hard with what I do here at Verified Mom and on my other blog, Tots To Teens Magazine that I just can’t afford to work for free.  I know what I am worth.  I know what my time means to me.  I know how long it takes to put together a blog post.  I know how long it takes to take product photos for reviews.  I know how long it takes to share my posts on every social media platform.   I know how long it takes to continuously promote my blog and my content.  I know it all because I’ve lived it.  I have experienced every aspect of owning a blog, so yes, I know how much my time is worth and I will not work or “share” content for free.  


    I’m not talking about the indie artisans or etsy store owners with products they are trying to promote. I am talking about big name brands, big name PR companies that you know obviously have plenty of funds for advertising their products or campaigns.  Us ‘lil bloggers aren’t asking for thousands of dollars in advertising fees, we are simply asking to get paid for what our time is worth.  When you go to work, you know you will be earning your paycheck and at the end of the week, you expect to get paid, don’t you?  Then can you explain to me, why you would think that we would work for free?  There is absolutely NO benefit to me to share the launch of your media channel or your celebrity clients new brand partnership, or your super secret free press release.  But, obviously you saw a benefit since you initiated the conversation with me to share all this wonderful information on my blog.  So tell me, where is my benefit?  I don’t like driving down one way streets.


    I know, I know it’s been blogged about before from other bloggers but until we collectively stop working for free, big brands and PR folks will continue to sneak those requests past you.  They hope that you will be so flabbergasted because they reached out to you, that you will fall for their request to post their amazing news on your blog…FOR FREE.  I’m telling you, don’t fall for it.  It may sound great but think about it.  You need to start treating your blog like prime real estate.  You blog space has a price.  Every inch of your blog has value.  Do not sell yourself short just because you are excited that a big brand reached out to you.    Stand your ground and know what your real estate is worth.  You can ask other bloggers what their real estate is worth, but no one knows how much yours is, but you.  It took me a long time to realize that my time is valuable and I should be getting paid for the time I spend writing blog posts for brands.  I should get paid for taking, editing, posting, and sharing all the pictures associated with that blog post.  I should get paid for the time it takes to promote your products blog post.  It isn’t about being greedy, it’s about what is right.  I am done being taken advantage of and I hope that after reading this blog post, you too will put your foot down and start saying no to these brands that think you’ll do anything just to work with them.  Believe me, if there is one that is reaching out to you, there will be more.  And for every 10 no’s you get, you’ll get 1 yes and it will be the most honest post you’ll write.  Remember, you’ve invested your time, blood, sweat and tears into your blog…don’t feel badly for saying no to free work.  Know your worth….stop blogging for free!


    So are you with me?  Will you stop blogging for free?  









    1. I’m with you!!! I did it once and worked my ass off for a grilling magazine with a pizza recipe that I made and took great pictures for…the editing alone too so much time. Never again!

    2. Hear hear! The best is when you meet a brand at a blogging conference — which they had to pay to be at — and then they claim that they have no budget to pay for bloggers. It’s quite unfortunate that so many companies don’t recognize the value of our time.

      • Awesome! Would you believe that I received an email from the same company I quoted above the other day and they had the nerve to ask me to take part in their “survey” to see what would be of interest to them…. UHM NO THANK YOU! I still haven’t replied but I have a great reply lined up! *wink wink*

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