Monday, February 10, 2025
    HomeStyle & DecorSpruced up my bathroom! It got a mini-makeover!

    Spruced up my bathroom! It got a mini-makeover!

    I’ve been so stressed lately that the only way I know how to calm myself down is to shop.  Hey guys, no surprise there, right? Well, while I was out the other day at Kohl’s using my pick a day 20% off coupon, I was searching for something to pick up and I spotted a shower curtain.  I thought it was odd, but I wasn’t in the mood for shoes or summer clothing just yet…or even a *gasp* new bathing suit, it just wasn’t that kind of a day.  I changed just two things in my bathroom and it feels like it was completely remodeled when it wasn’t and I only spent about $30 after sale prices and discounts to boot!  


    I couldn’t stand at an angle to get the entire bathroom so you could see the shower curtain, so these shots were the best I could do! šŸ™‚  You can see that by just adding a pop of color, it really does change the overall appearance of the room!




    Bathroom makeover before




    Bathroom Makeover After


    And I forgot to take a photo of the before showing the rug, but I have one showing the new rug.  The old one was a chocolate brown and now this one is a dark turquoise color to match the curtain perfectly.  This color is my new accent color!  I love it!




    Everything just is great for my recent mood.  When I go in there now it makes me happier and more relaxed to see the earthy tones.  Now I enjoy going to the bathroom just to see my new stuff! HAHA!!!  Thanks Kohls for making me happy this week!


    How have you modified a room on a budget?  Did you add color, change things from room to room, or repaint?  What are some of your go to design tips on making a room appear different?




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