We have been in the process of upgrading, my now 5 year old, from his baby room to his very first big boy room. He is my baby and it’s hard to grasp the fact that he is growing up and no longer my sweet little baby boy. He will be starting kinder soon and it breaks my heart to know he will be leaving me. But, when he turned five we decided to update his room a bit. He has had the same decor and style since he was a little newborn baby. Only things that have been changed was furniture, except for the fact that he still has the same bed as of now. Will change that soon. We have also changed houses in the process as well.
It’s amazing how much a fresh coat of paint change your entire outlook on a room. I have posted before some before and afters from our room, just by painting and his room is no exception. Just adding paint made a huge difference. When he was a baby we painted his room a beige, I believe the color was called Camel. It was a sports themed with the accent colors or red and blue with some browns and whites thrown in.

We moved to a bigger house and therefore a bigger bedroom. The bed was from IKEA and was expandable. We expanded it from toddler size to full twin size. But, his walls were plain white and pretty boring. His current sports theme was getting lost and beginning to get a little outdated.
A little hard to tell, but we painted the walls a gray color from Sherwin Williams and have been searching for accessories to add. His room is still a work in process but, have found some great pieces to add. I can not wait to show the complete after photo once his room is all done.
Keep an eye out for more updates and info to where we got all the fab items at!