Do you have messy bed kid? You know, the ones that really do not and will not make their beds to save their lives? I have one, well, actually 3 of them…and if you include me, that’d be 4 of us that hate bed making! I don’t know why, I never was one to make my bed and now, my kids aren’t ones to make theirs either. Half the time, they don’t even sleep with their comforters on because they end up on the floor. That’s when we were introduced to:

Gianna was so excited to give this a try. She loved the idea of not having to make her bed. As soon as it arrived, she tossed all her sheets and comforter on the floor in the hallway and ran back to her room to put on her new bedding. We used to have Spongebob everything… and I mean everything! She picked out the Wild Animals print. She is by no means a girly girl and hates anything pink. Her walls are a aqua color with yellow accents {Spongebob and the sea}, and the Wild Animal print had both colors in it that matched perfectly, so when she saw it, she knew that was the one she wanted.
As a mom of three kids, I love this concept that Zipit Bedding has, and after I saw it on her bed, I wished they had one in a King size with a bit more of a fancier look so that my bed could be quickly put together! It’s so cool actually. This is how it works. You have one fitted sheet. On each side (close to the top of the bed) there are zippered pouches. You can use this for remotes, phones, books, you name it. It’s perfect for the ones always looking for their remotes or reading lights! So, after you put your fitted sheet on, just zipper the sides of the comforter to the zippered part on the sheet, just like you would with a zippered sleeping bag, only this one is attached to your bed. Imagine never having to pick up a comforter off the floor AND having their rooms like tidy from simply having a made up bed that takes literally seconds to make.
Zipit Bedding offers 3 prints in girl themes and 3 in boys and they fit a twin {$69.99} or a full {$79.99} sized bed. Just as I was putting this review together I was informed that they are now offering solid colors and larger sizes which are great for teens or college students *hint* {great item to add to your back to school dorm room shopping}. Zipit Bedding now comes in black, pink, aqua, purple and red and are offered in twin {$69.99}, full {$79.99}, twin XL {$69.99} and queen {$89.99}. I’m still going to wait it out to see if they make mom & dad styles, cause I’m totally in for buying one if they do! I’m also going to bookmark this for when my oldest heads off to college {in two years} because I think this is the perfect idea for dorm rooms, don’t you???? Oh, and it also comes with a zippered pillow case that matches! YAY! The first two photos don’t show the new pillowcase, but you’ll see it added to her sleeping pic below. {I love this product so much!!!!}
I mean, look how sweet she is all cuddled up in her new Zipit Bedding! {Come on, I’m not the only mom who takes photos of their sleeping children in new bedding, right?}
Which one is your favorite? Would you like one for your bed? Ok, maybe not your bed, but your kids bed? If so, head on over to and pick one up!