N is for Night Time
Night time is MY time! I have always been a bit of a night owl and I am suspecting that will not change much, but I love staying up at night! Why? It’s just so quiet! The kids are sleeping. The husband is sleeping. The dog is sleeping. The world just stops and everything is dark and quiet. I have friends and even my husband telling me that I should get up early because I could get so much done in the morning. I’ve tried that and that does not work for me! I do not like getting up early. In fact, it isn’t that I don’t like it, I actually HATE it. I find nothing good about getting up early, absolutely, positively, nothing! I feel like I get so much more done in the evening hours and I have more motivation and energy. I’d rather stick with my late night hours thank you very much!
I guess the night time is just my time to unwind after a long day. I get my youngest up for school then the day is just rush, rush, rush, make dinner, do homework, eat, clean, rush, rush, rush….ahhhhh bed for the kids & hubby….then it’s all me! I have the house to myself again and I can just work or kick back and relax, catch some shows on Netflix….and just be quiet within myself.
Are you an early bird morning person, or do you prefer the night life and being a night owl?
I don’t know what I am anymore. lol I like to stay up late and catch up on some snuggles and tv with Mr. Sexy. I get up early in the mornings because Mr. Sexy works and somebody needs to take care of the kids. I try to be showered and have coffee in my hand before I talk to anybody though. lol I’m NOT a happy morning person.