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    HomeVerified WritersPhyllisBaby Swags teams up with Work At Home Moms

    Baby Swags teams up with Work At Home Moms

    Baby Swags is a marketing & pr firm that specializes in promoting juvenile and maternity related products that are or have been created/inspired by work at home moms. The company was started in 2006 as a way for WAHM’s to promote their products and company via celebrity gifting. Since their start, they have gifted over 300 celebrities and have worked with over 100 different entrepreneurial women with limited budgets and newly formed businesses. They have been able to receive thank you notes from celebrities, get some press for their clients and have had some featured in buyers guides and national publications.

    In April 2009, Baby Swags will be sharing space with their clients at the 2009 LA Baby Expo that will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center on April 25 & 26. If you are just starting out in the world of expo’s, this could be a great way to get your toes wet. Baby Swags will be offering PR services, ad spots, before, during and after the event. You do not have to gift a celebrity to share booth space, this is an open invitation to any new work at home mom who would like to extend their product line.

    During past events, the LA Baby Expo has brought in over 20,000 consumers, members of the media, and celebrities. They offer fashion shows, guest speakers, rest stops, and more during this two day event. They have an extensive PR campaign and it is a well talked about production.

    If you would like the help of Baby Swags, extra support during your first time out there, extra marketing and PR for your business, be sure to visit www.babyswags.com and email Phyllis at info [at] babyswags [dot] com. You will need to provide some information on your business, but you will be given a more detailed account of what is involved, from purchasing booth tables to the cost involved, you will be well informed from start to finish. Space is limited, so please make sure you contact them today to lock in your spot!

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