Monday, February 10, 2025

    School lunch

    This is one thing I will miss. Having lunch with my daughter at her school. In our elementary schools, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles have the opportunity to have lunch with their special child. You can bring in your own lunch from their favorite restaurant, fast food chain or just something from home. This is one of my favorite things to do with my kids. At least once every few weeks I go in and have lunch with my daughter. I started doing this when my oldest was in elementary school and now she’s in High School, did it with my son, and now he’s in middle school. She’s my last and I’m sad about that. It’s our special bonding time. When I’m having a bad morning, I stop at Subway or pop some chicken fries in the microwave and head to the school to get a dose of unconditional love. She lights up when she sees me, and my heart melts when I see her. Next year will be our last year having lunch together and I’m already thinking of fun ways to spend our in-school lunches! I’m sure it will go by in the blink of an eye…so I’m glad I have these images to remind me to be thankful for every moment I get to spend with my kiddos.

    Do you get to have lunch at your child’s elementary school?

    – Phyllis – xoxo

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