This may surprise you but I don’t think Valentine’s Day really matters anymore. Maybe it’s because for the last umpteen years with the economic state and my husband and I trying to cut back on so many things I’m not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day or Sweetest Day anymore. It could be also that the kids are all getting older that they just don’t find it as exciting as they used to. School parties have changed drastically over the last 10 years and you can’t bring any homemade treats, or anything food related anymore. Our school provides a juice box or water and a snack which has been a pre-packaged rice-crispy treat or something similar. Roommoms get to plan a craft and a game. Wow.
Valentine’s Day Parties Are Not What They Used To Be
Don’t even get me started on how they celebrate Birthdays at school! The last few years my kids were in elementary school they would come home and just be excited about getting candy…now they want you to send pencils or erasers or something like that. Who wants a pencil? We now have a hefty collection of decorated holiday pencils. We don’t have to bring in anything special to collect valentines in because they usually make a decorated paper bag. My youngest didn’t even want to pass out Valentine’s!
It’s not that I want them to throw an elaborate Valentines day party…oh, excuse me, we now call them Friendship Parties. I’m not even sure why they changed the name? The only thing I am looking forward to this Valentine’s Day is spending it with my kids and husband. I am making heart-shaped pizza’s and filling them up with homemade sweets and treats. It will be low-key, just the way I like it.
How about you? Are you a big Valentine’s day fan? How do your kids celebrate the day at school?
My boys are young men now so thankfully we are done with all the school stuff but I’m with you and love just kicking back with my hubby!
We had a very nice, relaxing time with our kids. It was low key and just, fun! 🙂 Hope you had a nice time with your hubby! 🙂
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