Monday, February 10, 2025
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    Perfect Summer Day #VerifiedMomBCN

    What’s Your Perfect Summer Day Like?


    Perfect Summer Day


    A couple weeks ago my youngest went out with her grandparents,  my oldest went out with her other grandma and my husband ended up having to work.  That left my son and I with nothing to do.  We didn’t really have much to do anyway so I suggested we just run to do a couple errands and get some lunch after.  We had to run to Target to find some clothes for my moms birthday dinner the next day and since it was a nicer restaurant it was time to get something for the kids that didn’t consist of a “graphic tee”.


    Getting my son to do anything this summer has been a challenge in itself but I bribed him with lunch so of course he went with.  I mean, who turns down a free lunch, right?  We get in the car and are on our way.  We have a very nice, almost grown up discussion about the ins and outs of life, if anything is bothering him, how he’s liking his summer thus far and so on.  We when arrived at Target he wanted to make sure we were only going to get what we had planned on getting.  Apparently I have this thing where I go into a store thinking that I only need two things and I come out of the store an hour later with 12 bags.  This doesn’t just happen at Target.  It happens everywhere!  So, yes, I tell him.  We are just getting my cleaning supplies and clothing for the next day.  I need to look for a shirt for me but I’m doubtful they’ll have anything that is in my size or that I like.  I need to find two shirts for my son and youngest daughter and that was it.  Nothing else.


    As we walk into the store we both commented on how the weather seemed to be that of the “perfect summer day”.  We really did say those exact words.  It was in the mid 70’s, about 78 degrees and the sun was shining and it had a light cool breeze.  It was the perfect summer day.  I was surprised that he said exactly what I did and we both agreed that those are they types of days we love best.  It’s not too hot, it’s not too cold, it’s just right.  To make this perfect summer day even better, we went in and found not only two shirts for the kids, but I found this really, really cute shirt that fit me perfectly!  It had been so long that I’ve shopped at Target for clothes for myself that it was nice to see the variety of options.  I even tried on a maxi dress and I don’t “do” dresses.  It was really cute but I thought against it because while I’m on a weight loss journey, I’d like to lose a few more pounds and then reward myself with that exact dress in a small size.  I was also surprised that my son let me shop in the women’s section as long as I did.


    After we gathered all the items I went in for, we headed back outside to enjoy the perfect summer day some more.  We went to Jimmy Johns for lunch and both ordered our Turkey Tom sandwich without sprouts.  We sat and talked some more and it’s amazing what you can learn about your child when you just sit there one on one and just talk.  I love having discussions with him.  With him being a boy and no longer involved in sports, I don’t get the opportunity to have time with him by himself and that day, I enjoyed every moment we had spent together.


    So aside from the weather cooperating and making us feel that perfect summer day feeling, it was spent with my teenage son who I love so much!


    Tell me, what’s your version of the “Perfect Summer Day”?


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