Monday, February 10, 2025

    Tag: WordADayChallenge

    Worth – #WordADayChallenge

    Worth #WordADayChallenge Worth, it's something that I have thought a lot about.  I've been in business for myself for a very long time.  I started my...

    Vowed #WordADayChallenge

    Vowed #WordADayChallenge this post contains affiliate links Vow, I have vowed a lot of things that's for dang sure.  I vowed that I would complete this #wordadaychallenge...

    Quiet #WordADayChallenge

    Quiet #WordADayChallenge Quiet.  Soaking up the stillness.  My head is filled with noise while this room is silent.  I wish there was a way to hush...

    Positive-Mind #WordADayChallenge

    Positive Mind #WordADayChallenge Oh boy, I have needed a positive mind lately!  I feel as if I have been on a treadmill going nowhere and I...

    Open-Minded #WordADayChallenge

    Open-Minded #WordADayChallenge Come on people, you are just not being open-minded here with our dear brother, Kanye.  Oh you know I had to go there!  It's...

    Justice #WordADayChallenge

    Justice #WordADayChallenge I'm going to speculate here just for a second and say that if I were to ask my oldest what she thinks of when she hears the...

    Inspiration #WordADayChallenge

    Inspiration #WordADayChallenge Inspiration.  I could say so many things about this word and I could say that each of my children inspire me on a daily...

    Hope #WordADayChallenge

    Hope #WordADayChallenge Hope, I have a lot of that.  You have to in today's world.  That is all that some of us have left.  I hope for...

    Family #WordADayChallenge

    Family #WordADayChallenge Family!  HAHAHA What can I say about my family?  A LOT actually, but I won't bore you with most of it.  My family is...

    Empathy – #WordADayChallenge

    Empathy #WordADayChallenge Empathy is something that often gets confused with sympathy.  To empathize with someone is to relate to be able to relate to their emotional experiences....

    Determination #WordADayChallenge

    Determination #WordADayChallenge Determination, you are never around long enough for me to enjoy you.  I'm using weight loss in this post because it's the only thing...

    Compassion #WordADayChallenge

    Compassion #WordADayChallenge Compassion.  The full definition as stated by Merriam-Webster is : sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. I don't know...

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